Your first kiss

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Thomas: You were squeezing through the walls of the Maze, very late and the walls were closing. You fell to the ground as the walls closed behind you. "Y/N!" Thomas yelled, pulling you close to his chest. "What happened?" "I got chased by a Griever and got lost." You breathed, trying to push air into your lungs. "Don't ever do that again." Thomas sighed, his hands on either side of your face. "I won't." You said barely over a whisper. Suddenly, his lips were on yours, molding together perfectly. "Promise?" He said against your lips. "I promise."

Minho: You ran along the walls of the Maze, the sound of your footsteps echoing against the walls, your breaths along with it, you ran beside your boyfriend, Minho, both your footsteps in sync. You heard the mechanical whirl of the Griever, and catching the view of one around a corner. You tripped over your foot, falling against Minho, taking him down with you. You pulled him behind the long vines, his body pressed against yours. You both were breathing heavily, staring into each others eyes, he slammed his lips against yours. The Griever was completely gone from your mind and you focused on Minho's lips. You felt your cheeks burn as you ran back into the Glade. 

Newt: You let out a throaty scream as your foot twisted in the hole in the Gardens. Newt was by your side in a matter of minutes. He helped you to the Healers and they wrapped your foot. Newt rubbed your hand softly, but he was anxious, you could tell. "When you screamed, I felt a uh- uh a hole ripped in my throat, and I didn't know what to do." He stutters. "Newt." You grabbed his hand. "I'm right here." He smiled at you and pressed his lips against yours. 

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