Chapter 7

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I awoke the next day with a plan in mind, I planned to invite Evan out for some food and break the news to him.

"What are all these boxes doing here?" Hannah asks.

"Oh Isaac went out grab them earlier today." I explains.

"Why" She asks.

"Well, Isaac and I-" I began.

"You're pregnant?!" Hannah shouts.

"What no?! We got offered a job in London..." I say.

"Are you going to take it?" She asks.

"Well yeah. I mean we aren't moving but we will be gone for a while so I'm packing some stuff up!" I explain. "You can come, if you want. I mean we want you to come, but I know you have a job here." I say,

"Are you kidding, you think I'm gonna let you go to London and have all the hot British guys to yourself?" She says offended. I smile and run to hug her. I didn't want to leave her. I was so glad she was coming with us.

Later on in the day I phoned Evan and asked him to meet me at our favorite pizza place. He was all to willing, meanwhile my stomach was in knots. I pulled up to the little shop along the alleyway and went inside to wait for Evan. To my surprise he was already there waiting on me instead. I made my way over to him.

"Hey! I didn't know you would be here so fast. Did you order" I ask sitting across from him.

"Yup, half peperoni and half supreme." He cheesed.

"You are a grown adult and you still only eat peperoni?" I teased. He normally wasn't a picky eater but he believed pizza was a 'traditional food' and shouldn't be tampered with.

"So, you sounded worried on the phone, is something wrong?" He asked leaning forward.

"Well, not exactly it's just something I have to tell you. And I don't know how happy you'll be about it." I say, I feel bile rising in my throat. My hands begin to sweat and my cheeks grow hot. Evans face is serious now.

"Whatever it is we can work through it." he nods. Somehow I don't believe him.

"Well, I got offered another London." I say, I take a deep breath waiting for the yelling to start.

"That's great!" He says, I looks at his face and he looks genuinely happy! Something seems off, I expected anger and yelling.

"Are you sure you're OK with it?" I ask.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He looks confused. 

"Well because I'll be gone for a while, with Hunter?" I elaborate. This makes his face fall.

"Oh....I thought maybe you would leave Hunter with me this time." He states.

"Well I would but the movie is going to take a long time and I can't stand to be away from him that long." I explain.

"What about me being away from him? I'm his father!" He protests. 

"I know, and you can come out and visit him whenever you want! I'm not going to stop you!" I tell him, trying to calm him down.

"Oh thank you so much for giving me visitation to my son!" He shouts. Some people begin to look over.

"Evan, your name isn't even on his birth certificate I don't have to let you see him but I know how much you love him so I'm not going to do that to you!" I say, getting a little worried now.

"What do you mean I'm not on his birth certificate, did you hate me so much that you just left me out of it entirely?" He asks in disbelief.

"I didn't hate you I just thought I would never see you again, with your acting career taking off!" I defend.

"Of course it's my fault! I left because I didn't know you were pregnant! I would have dropped everything to be with you if I had known."

"But you didn't love me enough to stay....for me." I look at him. "I wouldn't have wanted you to stay for the baby I would have wanted you to stay because you loved me and wanted to help raise our son, not just because I was knocked up and you felt sorry for me!" I spat. I got up collecting my things. I didn't think it would go like this but I am glad it did. It shows me what Evan truly is....and always was, a player.


I arrived back home to find Isaac had beat me home. I walked in the door feeling drained.

"Mommy! I missed you!" Hunter ran to me and hugged my leg. I bent down to hug him, "I missed you too baby!" I held him so tight, Evans words still ringing in my head.

"Kaitlin, what happened Evan has been blowing up my phone?" Hannah came out holding up her phone with all the notifications.

"I'll tell you later." I didn't want to bad mouth Evan in front of Hunter.

"Hey babe! How was your day?" Isaac came over giving me a quick kiss. I take in his scent, I've missed him. Evan just reminded me to be grateful for what I had. A man that adores me, a best friend and my son.

"Good, I'm just so ready to start packing and get to filming." I say exhausted.

"That's great because the director called and moved up our flight to this weekend!" Isaac said excited.

"Crap! I have to hurry up and finish packing!" I say running over to the pile of boxes. "Babe don't worry, I packed up most of our stuff and Hunter has the essentials" He laughed. I smiled at Isaac, my perfect gentlemen. I was so stressed with Evan I forgot about the guy I had waiting for me at home. "Well then, who wants to go out to eat?" I ask feeling hungry.

"McDonalds!!" Hunter shouted. "How about....Chinese?" I ask. "That's good to I guess..." Hunter shrugs. He runs off to play with his toys, oblivious. I turn to Isaac.

"I love you. I really do." I say wrapping my arms around him. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2017 ⏰

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