"Yes, Mr. Specter."

His second date was tonight? I immediately call Jillian to set up a time for drinks.

"What was that all about?" Donna whispers.

"He's still pissed."

"Possessive. It's different then pissed."

"Slamming his hands on the table, threatening to fire me? That's not being pissed?"

"He was trying to tighten his grip. So, possessive. But you didn't give into it. That hit him in the gut pretty good, I think." Donna chuckles, typing away before slipping me a file.

"What's this?"

"The nooks and crannys of the case." She winks at me and I give her a huge hug.

"Holy shit, you're amazing." I sigh.

"I know." Donna giggles and flips her hair.

"If you want something to talk about right away, I'd suggest buying yourself a Louis Viton dress."

"Why?" I ask.

"No girl can resist LV."


I show up to the bar in my most formal attire. The place was luxurious, the patio had gas lit fires within shards of glass, the bar inside was glowing a beautiful neon blue and the bartenders were dressed to impress. All around me I saw people from Wall Street to rebound artists.

This girl had expensive tastes.

"Gin and tonic." I say to the bartender, scoping out Jillian.

I found her sitting with a few men, laughing away at their jokes and they all seemed like a friendly bunch.

I decide against starting a tab and pay my bill. Approaching Jillian, she gets out of her seat and gives me a large hug.

"This is the girl!" She says to the boys, as they all cheer for me.

"The girl?" I chuckle nervously.

"The one who works for the defending company of our boss! Duh." She winks.

"Of course." I take a small bow and before I know it, my phone is ringing.

"It's my boss." I say, staring with furrowed brows at my caller ID.

Why was he calling me?

Jillian leans over and ignores his call, smiling at me and pulling me into the booth. We sat around the fire and talked aimlessly about our day.

My phone kept going off. I chose to continue ignoring it. I was, after all, working.

"So? Relationships?" Jillian smirks as she asks, slyly staring at a man across from her.

"Pam dumped me, you caught me." He grunts.

"And what about you?" Jillian asks me.

"Oh me? I..." I try and think exactly what it was I was supposed to say.

Here I was trying to figure it if this girl slept with her boss and yet I'm no better.

"I went on a date last night but I'm not sure where that's going to go, my boss doesn't want people interfering with my love life."

"Tell me about it!" Jillian squeals, smacking my arm.

"I'm kind of his assistant bitch, so I'm on his beck and call!" She begins.

I pull out my phone and begin to record, carefully, hoping no one would see.

"He wants something for his wife? I get it. He wants tickets to a show, I get it. He needs a new custom tailored suit, I get it! He needs a ride to jersey, I do it! I hate the guy! Everyone thinks I'm in love with him but little do they know I'm contracted!"

Suitless (Harvey Specter)Where stories live. Discover now