"You can be whatever you want to be. Just know that I'm always here, whenever you want and for whatever you need." I said.

Lillia then banged on the door.

"Troyian come play with meeee!" She whined.

I stepped back and laughed as she continued standing in the same position.

"What? Do you wanna shower with me to?" I giggled as she snapped back into reality.

"What no." She said as she turned around to leave.

"Oh, you might wanna pick your towel up." I laughed as I pointed to her naked body.

"Oh my god." She face palmed as she picked it up and wrapped it around herself.

"Well it's not like I minded." I laughed as she left.

I showered and got dressed before racing downstairs.


"Jacey." Troyian whispered.

"Yes?" I asked turning around to face her.

"I put Lillia to bed, I know it's early but she is tired. We have to talk." She said seriously before walking out into the backyard.

"What is there to talk about?" I asked as I walked over to my tree.

Yes I have a tree.

It's a massive tree that I like to climb when I need to be alone.

I climbed up it and Troyian followed my actions.


"Well?" I asked as we sat just staring over the pool.

"We have to talk about boundaries." She stated.

"What?" I asked harshly.

"We can't kiss. We can't flirt. We can't act like a couple because I am not a lesbian. And I understand if you kick us out but I just wanted to set it straight." She answered firmly.

"Troy, I would never kick you out, you're one of my best friends at this school. I'm sorry if I make you uncomfortable but I have the biggest crush on you and I am not afraid to say it. I came to terms with my sexuality a long time ago and I understand if you having trouble understanding yours. I am always here if you need someone to talk to but if you really aren't into me please don't lead me on because when I fall for someone I fall hard and I fall fast." I sighed.

"Jacey?" She asked almost silently.

I looked up at her and she was already looking back at me.

The bright moon highlighted her perfectly sculpted face.

Her eyes twinkled as she looked back into my own.

Her lips were open, letting the oxygen she was breathing in and out make a small huffing sound.

Her dark brown hair fell limp as the cool wind began to pick up.

Her lips began to move as if she were trying to say something.

I reached up to her chin and stroked my long fingers across her beautiful face.

She layed her head in the palm of my hand and it began to rain.

The rain formed perfect little droplets, dropping directly on both of our faces.

I then noticed that some of the droplets sliding down her face weren't rain.

They were tears.

They were beautiful, pure tears, falling out of a broken angels stunning eyes.

I held her tight as she sobbed endlessly into my shoulder.

I can't imagine what she has gone through.

"Jacey?" She asked as she looked up at me.

Her tear stained face looking like a beautiful broken doll.

I smiled weakly as a reply.

"Jacey I-i, I-i-i" she struggled to get the words out so I nodded for her to go on.

"I think I like you."


Heyyy guys It's been a while. Just letting you know that the lack of Jacey's twitches aren't because I am getting slack it's because it's part of the story. I think I am going to name this chapter just cause it seems appropriate.

Ps, the photo is just a reminder of what the beautiful Troyian looks like.

Okay coolies ♡


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