Time Traveller

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"Yo" - italian

"You know how horrifying they can be. Even if I'm strong, I'd rather be in one piece, thank you very much."

A laugh erupted between them as the door closed fully, blocking the noise that came from the room to reach the outside.

The Granchiõ Famiglia's base was in a wreck and full of holes courtesy from a certain skylark, the sun and the storm. As the tenth gen wrecked havoc, the first gen who were watching only sweatdropped as they watched the tenth gen do more damage.

The third team that entered from the back ignored all of the explosions, shouts and screams that came from the background. They made their way down to the basement level, taking out anyone who dares to stand in their way.

After running for awhile, they came face to face with a big double door. It was sealed shut completely. "Hmmph, nothing can stop me," Reborn said as Leon turned into a gun. "Chaos Shot." Reborn said and a few bullets covered in sun flames flew straight to the door.

"Heh, witness my force!" G shouted as he shot some arrows covered in storm flames. After the bullets and arrows had imbedded itself on the door, an explosion followed and all that's left was a big hole revealing the occupants inside.

"Shit!" "Damn it!"

Two occupants cursed as they stared wide eyed at the damage and the people standing near the broken door. "What are you waiting for?! Kill them!!" A pudgy man ordered his men. The men quickly took out their gun but before they could shoot, they were taken down by Reborn.

Reborn smirked. "Never underestimate the no.1 hitman." Reborn said proudly. The man standing beside the pudgy man bit his lower lips. "Vicktor Granchiõ, the tenth boss of the Granchiõ Famiglia. To think you'd travel back to the past just to elliminate the Vongola."

The said man only snort before looking at Reborn with a smug on his face. "That's right! By elliminating Vongola Primo, the Vongola will never exist in the first place!" He shouted.

Before Reborn could say anything, Giotto speaked first. "Where's Tsuna?" Giotto said darkly. Giotto's guardians fli ched when they heard Giotto's tone. Unfazed, Vicktor looked at Giotto and smirked.

"Tsuna? You mean Vongola Decimo? I left him to die in a dark place." He said. Before he could continue, he was grabbed by the neck, choking him in the process, and he was slammed to the wall, hard.

Giotto's cold and hard eyes stared at Vicktor. "Where. Is. He?" Giotto said again. Reborn whistled when he saw how fast Giotto moved. The pudgy man got out of his seat and shouted at Giotto while taking out his gun. "Get off of my heir you scu--" he was cut short when he felt something metallic pressed against his neck. "If you don't want to die then shut up, herbivore." Alaude said coldly.

Vicktor began to tremble when his eyes met with Giotto's cold and hard eyes. "H-he's at the l-lowest floor. In the f-furthest room to th-the right." Vicktor stuttered. Giotto looked at him for awhile before releasing him causing him to slide down coughing. Before he walked away, he knocked Vicktor out cold. Alaude did the same to the pudgy man. "Let's go," said Giotto.

The rest of the group followed Giotto as Alaude showed him where the lowest floor is. Reborn smirked. 'Never mess with the sky.' thought Reborn. He contacted the others through the communication device from their time. After a few minutes, all of the guardians, both the first and the tenth gen had gathered.

Tsuna's DilemmaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin