The Past of the Rain Who Cleanse Everything

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Hohoho~ my current story is getting weirder than I originally planned. Oh well, it went better than I thought *wiggle eyebrows*.

I don't own KHR. (If I did, it will be even more fabulous! *throws stars and sparkles everywhere*)

OOCs ahead. Deal with it. For better or for worse, any complaints about them may or may not be ignored by the great me! *twirls around throwing glitters*

HIEEEEEE!!" a shriek was heard. Hearing the familliar shriek, everyone rushed to the room where a certain brunet is held. Only one thing pops into their mind. "Jyuudaime/Tsuna/Sawada/Boss/Tsuna-nii/Vongola/Herbivore!"


Everyone ran to the room. Gokudera was the first to burst in the room. "Jyuudaime?! Are you alright?!" followed by Ryohei shouting "SAWADA!!" and Yamamoto saying "Tsuna!" worrily. They were greeted by the sounds of someone sobbing and hiccuping at the same time.

At the corner of the room, a brunet was seen crouching down with hands on his head, shivering. Yamamoto instictively went to him and crouched beside him. "Tsuna...?" he called out softly. The brunet turned his head at him. His eyes were red, tears trickling down his cheeks as he sobbed and hiccupped.

"Ta-Takeshi...?" Tsuna squeaked.

Yamamoto's P.O.V
"Ta-Takeshi...?" Tsuna said. I smiled at him. "Are you alright, Tsuna? What happened?" I asked. Tsuna just stared at me before he jumped at me, wrapping his arms around me screaming my name. "TA-TAKESHI!! WAAA!!" he wailed.

I instictively wrapped my arms around him as I tried not to fall over from his sudden jump. I patted his back trying to calm him down. "There, there. It's alright. Everything is okay now," I comforted him. Tsuna continued to cry for a couple of minutes before he finally calmed down.

After he had calmed down, Hayato approached us. "Jyuudaime...." he called out softly. Tsuna looked up. "What's wrong? Why did you suddenly cry?" Hayato asked worriedly. When Tsuna heard that question, he looked down before glancing at me.

He shifted uncomfortably and played with his fingers. "If you don't want to tell us then, it's ok. We won't pressure you," I said as Tsuna showed no signs of speaking. But Tsuna only shook his head before looking at me. That's when he opened his mouth.

"I-I had a dream," he started. "A-a dream a-about you," he said as he looked at me. "Me?" I pointed at myself. He nodded his head. "Un.....i-in that dream, you were at the e-edge of a fence o-on a rooftop," when he said that, it finally dawned to me about what he was dreaming about. Tsuna still continued.

"Y-your right arm was wrapped up a-and you look sad. You looked as if y-you want to jump off t-the building. I t-tried to call you b-but you didn't hear me. Th-then somehow, y-your face looked as if you f-found hope. Then j-just when you want to c-climb over the fence, it b-broke. Y-you fell a-and I-I-I--" Tsuna started to cry again.

I gritted my teeth and pulled Tsuna into a hug. Tsuna continued to cry as he gripped my arms. I knew why he was sad. He was sad because of me. And that made me feel guilty. Tsuna was my first real friend. He was the first person who wanted to be friends with me because of who I am, not because of my talents.

"I'm sorry Tsuna. I'm sorry...." I muttered. He shook his head violently. "I-it's not your fault. It's in the past now. So please smile," he said as he looked at me with a warm smile. Seeing Tsuna like that, I thought how grateful I was towards Tsuna. Grateful that Tsuna was there when I needed him the most.

Tsuna was the rain who washed away my pain so I have to be Tsuna's rain who washes away his pain in return. I gave him a smile that came from the bottom of my heart. "Haha! If that's what Tsuna wished, then I'll gladly do it." I said cheerfully.

Author's P.O.V
Unnoticed by those two, a silver-haired guy quietly left the room. Though it didn't go unnoticed by the hitman, ge made no move to stop him. As the silver-haired guy walk along the hall, he punched at the wall, causing it to crack.

"Dammit!!" he cursed." I failed Jyuudaime again!" he shouted. "I'm not worthy to become Jyuudaime's right-hand man! Shit!" he cursed again. He slowly continued his walk with a gloomy mood. That was when the once raging storm became quiet. What will happen when the always surging storm suddenly ceased its never-ending attack?

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