Nightmares of The Mist who Hides the Truth

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You guys must've realised that Ryohei sounded calm right? Well, I tried to make a pov that sounded like him get what I mean. So I thought hey, why not make him like Knuckle?

And do you notice how Tsuna doesn't have a pov of his own? Well I intended to not make a Tsuna's pov when he's drunk. I'll do it later, after Tsuna had been cured from his fever. So read until then.

When I heard that, I was washed with relief and happiness. Relieved to know that I don't have to hold in my pain anymore, happy that it was Sawada who was the one to know. I hugged him back. Thanks to him, I can now feel at ease. I'm happy to have a brother like him. I'll do whatever it takes to protect him. I'll be the one to heal him from any injury and support him. I promise.
It's been 6 days since he had the fever and he still hasn't been cured yet. Reborn tried calling Nana but to no vail. Even Iemitsu, Tsuna's father and the leader of CEDEF, has gone missing without a trail. This irritated Reborn. Even Iemitsu's subordinates didn't know where he is.

"Damn that Baka-mitsu! Where the heck did he go with maman?!" he growled under his breath. The fact that Tsuna is in a condition not fit to do anything had irritated the hitman to the point he want to kill someone.

Somewhere within the mansion, a brunet was eating a strawberry cake when he stopped and shuddered. He looked around, thinking something bad might happen. After a couple of minutes had passed, Tsuna resumed eating his cake.

After eating two slices of cake, Tsuna went to the garden since it's the only place where he could get peace. He doesn't hate his guardians' rowdiness. In fact, he would be lonely if they weren't there with him. But sometimes, he needs a little peace and quiet to sort his mind out.

While he was walking, he saw one of his guardians' mist-Chrome-sitting on a bench not far from where he's standing. Ever since Tsuna had the fver, he became shy around his guardians. Especially Gokudera and Ryohei. Chrome was the only exception. In fact, Chrome received a different treatment from Tsuna. From being a shy guy to a charmer as what Reborn had said.

Anyway, upon seeing his guardian in the garden, he decided to have a little chat with her, until he noticed his other mist guardian, Mukuro, was missing. This raised Tsuna's curiousity. Usually, his mist guardians' will always be together since Chrome always follows Mukuro(except for missions but he forgot). And so, he decided to ask.

Chrome's P.O.V
While I was staring at the flowers, a man's voice was heard, calling my name. I quickly turned my head and saw Boss standing not far from me. He smiled and greeted me. "Hello, Chrome." I replied his greetings with a nod before saying "G-good morning,Boss," to him.

He smiled and proceeded to sit right next to me. Both of us sat in silence. I don't know what to do when in this kind of situation! I rarely talk to people since I only had Mukuro-sama in the past. Communicating is hard.

"Chrome," Boss suddenly called out making me jump a little. "Where's Mukuro-san?" he asked as he looked at me straight in the eyes. I stayed silent. I can't tell him. I can't tell him I don't know where Mukuro-sama went. If I did, he would be frantic. Even I'm worried about Mukuro-sama. But I trust him. I gripped my trident that I was holding tightly.

Boss just sighed before directing his gaze back to the flowers a few meters away in front of him. "If you don't want to tell then, fine. I won't force you. But I can tell that you're worried. If you don't mind, you can always tell me. I promise I'll keep it a secret," Boss said.

He then got up and walked towards the mansion but I quickly took his hand, stopping him in his tracks. He looked back at me with a questioning look. "Please, stay," I said. Without a word, he sat beside me. No ne said a thing. Until, "U-um...Boss?" I called out. "Yes?" he replied.

"'s about....M-Mukuro-sama...." I started. Boss just stayed silent and nodded to show he's listening. "W-well....the thing is....I'm worried.....about him....w-whenever I went to sleep, I-I saw some of Mukuro-sama's memories," Boss didn't say anything. So I continued.

"It-it was horrible. He-he was always running...away from a group of people....then experimented....b-by mafias....he-he never said a thing. Bu-but I'm worried! I'm worried that he's hurting....inside....I-I wanted to help! But....I don't know how...." I said as I looked down.

It makes me sad whenever I think about Mukuro-sama's past. Mukuro-sama had saved me and gave me hope. So I want to help him too. But Mukuro-sama never let me or anyone else help him. Tears started to form at yhe corners of my eyes. I tried to hold it in, but failed miserably. Now, I'm sobbing beside Boss who's hands are around me, trying to comfort me.

"There, there. You don't have to hold back anymore. Cry for as much as you want. I'll be here to to lend you my shoulders to cry on," Boss said as he hugged me. While I was crying, a familiar voice was heard. "Oya, oya? Who dares to make my Chrome cry, Vongola?" It was Mukuro-sama!

I tried to look at Mukuro-sama but somehow, I can't move. I felt the hug tightened. "B-boss?" I looked up at his face and saw him angry but calm at the same time. "Mukuro," he called out in a serious tone.

Mukuro's P.O.V
Oya, oya? It seems like the Vongola is angry for some reason. I watched him tightened his hug around my Chrome. Kufufufu, it seems like he's brave enough to mess with my property. "Mukuro," the Vongola called my name in a serious tone.

"Kufufufu, what do you want, Vongola?" I asked as I raised my trident. "Where were you?" he asked me. "Kufufufu, and why do you care, Vongola?" I asked back. I smirked at him.

"Mukuro, you asked me who made Chrome-chan cried, right? Well, let me tell you--" he said before he was cut off by Chrome. "Don't, Boss!" she said as she tried to stop him from speaking any further. The Vongola just ignored her and continued to speak. "It was you. You were the one who made her cry." "Boss!"

I looked at him, who was staring straight into my eyes. Then, I looked at Chrome who had buried her face in her hands. "Kufufufu, Vongola. You know you're no good at lying," I said.

He looked at me straight into the eyes. "Am I lying right now?" he asked seriously. "It was you who made Chrome-chan cried. She saw your past memories," he said. Kufufufu, I see now. So that's why.

"Kufufufu, it wasn't my fault then. It wasn't me who told her to look into my past," I said. The Vongola only sighed. "It is, in some ways. She tried to help you, even I tried to help you. But you wouldn't let us do that," he said.

By this time, my smirk was gone. "And why should I need your help, Vongola?" I asked. "And even if I let you, tell me, how can you help me, Vongola? You don't have the power nor the ability to erase the pain and hatred within me," I asked again.

The Vongola said nothing as he looked down. As I thought. Just when I was about to walk away, I heard the Vongola said something. "I know that. That's why, I'll be the one to receive your pain and hatred," he said as he looked up at me.

"Kufufufu, are you sure Vongola? What Chrome had seen was only a fraction of my memories. If you accept all of it, there's a chance that you will lose your mind," I said with a smirk. The Vongola closed his eyes for a moment before opening them again. His eyes were filled with determination. "I-"

To be continued

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