Tales from Shimon Decimo

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Ok, so this is a part about Enma. Since many requested it. And also, thanks to mychibidragon for giving me a good idea!! Hope you enjoy!!

Tsuna just giggled like a kid and went inside the mansion, leaving the others behind while he hummed. Reborn only watched at the sideline and sighed. 'This is gonna be a long night,' he thought.

Somewhere on an island where the Shimon reside, a phone rang beside a red-haired man. The man looked up from the paperworks he was signing and answered the phone half-heartedly. "Hello?"

Enma's P.O.V
"Hello?" I said. "Enma-kun? Is that you?" asked the caller. I looked at the phone, trying to identify who the caller was. "Oh, Tsuna-kun! Why are you calling this late?" I asked after I recognized the caller's voice. "Nothing! Just checking on you!" he said cheerfully.

Odd. Tsuna-kun wouldn't talk like this. "Tsuna-kun? Are you ok?" I asked, worried if something bad had happened to make him like this. "What? No! Everything's fine! Anyway Enma-kun, can you pick me up now?" he asked. "Sure. But why?" I asked back. "Just thought of spending some quality time with you and the others. It's been awhile since we last saw each other," he answered. True. Since the battle against the Vindice and graduating from highschool, Tsuna-kun and I became busy until we rarely see each other again.

"Ok. But why now? I mean why call me at the middle of the night?" I asked since right now, the clock showed that it's 12.25 a.m. right now. "Well.... I don't want to bring the others since I have some things to discuss with you but no worries! I told Reborn and he said ok!" Tsuna-kun explained.

"....fine. Where should I pick you up?" I answered after I contemplated a bit. Since Reborn-san gave him permission, then it'll be alright, right? "Great! I'll send you the address. See you then!" and he immediately ended the call before I could say anything. I just sighed before calling Adelheid and told her about what happened and asked her to inform the others about Tsuna-kun's visit. As I continued to sign the paperworks, the phone rang again. I grumbled before picking it up.



"Oh, it's only you. What's wrong?"


"Tsuna-kun? What about him?"


"I see.... no worries, I'll take care of him while he's here."


"Yeah, ok. Thank you for informing me, R--"

*call ended*

"Sheesh. Can't he wait for me to finish my sentence first?" I complained before going back to work.

An hour had passed and right now, I'm waiting for Tsuna-kun at the place he sent as promised. I was leaning on my bike as I fiddled with my ring. Then, I heard the sound of someone running. I tensed up but relaxed again when I recognized who it was. "Enma-kun!" Tsuna-kun called out. "Long time no see, Tsuna-kun," I greeted. He smiled at me and looked around.

"The others?" he asked. "Back at home. Although Adelheid did insist on coming with me, I thought I alone would be enough to pick you up. Besides, if something happens, I can leave my back to you right, Tsuna-kun?" "Sure!"

I smiled. Then I got on my bike and gestured Tsuna-kun to sit behind me. He did so without a word. As I made sure he was comfortable and wore the helmet I handed to him, I started up the bike and sped up towards the Shimon Mansion.

By the time we arrived at the front mansion, the sun was already out. Adelheid was there and greeted us. "Welcome back, Enma," she said. I nodded to her. Then, she turned and looked at Tsuna-kun. "Welcome, Vongola Decimo. It's an honour to meet you again," she greeted formally.

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