Asher watched as Emmalee mimicked his movements, lifting her hand to her mouth as he did and the licking away the salt. In the same movement they grabbed for the shot and threw it back. He couldn't stop the laugh that passed his lips at her as her face instantly twisted with disgusted. "The lemon,"He laughed. "Quickly, bite the lemon. "

She quickly grabbed it and sunk her teeth into it, when that did nothing to remove the taste and slight burn she grabbed the ice cold coke and gulped it down. "That was disgusting. " She groaned softly.

"It gets better once you get used to it. " He said simply.

"Who would want to get used to that?"

He merely shrugged, smiling. "I didn't like it at first either. " He spoke honestly. "Now it's my go to."

She started at him a moment in disbelief before shaking her head. "You honestly like this...this crap?" She asked motion to her now empty shot glass.

He laughed again. "I do. " He stated as he leaned towards her. "Perhaps I should have started you off on something different. " He pondered before turning back to the bar tender. When the man returned in front of him he smiled, sitting up straight. "Two lemon drops please. "

"I don't know Asher," Emmalee began.

Asher pressed a single finger to her lip to silence her. "This one is better. I promise. "

Flushing slightly Emmalee nodded and took a deep breath.

"Okay,"He smiled, pushing the shot in front of her. "This one is the same way as before. Sugar,"He said, holding out a packet for her to take. "Instead of salt. "

She reached out and took the sugar packet. "Alright, let's do this. "

Flashing her a toothy grin, he licked the same spot on his hand and poured the sugar. "Cheers," He said, holding the small glass out to her after she had caught up.

"Cheers,"She replied, lightly tapping her glass against his. She then quickly licked the sugar away before downing the new liquid, cringing at the burning sensation it causes on the way down her throat. "Yuck," She groaned, shuttering, as she reached for the lemon. "Okay," Emmalee looked up at Asher as he laughed at her once again. "That wasn't as bad as the first one, but it still wasn't good. "

"We have time to figure out what you like. " He said moving closer to her. "Do you want to dance?"

Emmalee shook her head no, not being much of a dancer. Rhythm was one of the many things she wasn't graced with but it never really bothered her. She was content sitting her watching the people around them also enjoying themselves, and obviously Asher's company. She wanted, no, needed to know more about him, and now seemed like the perfect opportunity. She had already gotten to know a little about Declan, but this was the first time her and Asher had been alone together.

"Do you want to try something else then?"

Her eyes widened. "No, thank you, I'm good for right now. "

He laughed. "Okay, I can respect that. What do you want to do?"

She pressed her lips together, contemplating how to ask the next question without seeming like she was prying, even though that was probably what she was doing, but something about earlier still bothered her. "Early today when we were at the loft," She started, keeping her gaze on him. "Why did you get so upset when-"

"Two shots of tequila!" Asher yelled to the bar tender, cutting her off. Emmalee pressed her lips together, unsure of what to say. She knew the way he cut her off it wasn't something he wanted to talk about. The shots were placed I front of him and he quickly threw them back, one after the other before turning back to her.

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