Chapter One (Aquarius)

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The rain pelted against my window and not only did thunder vibrate my large room but lightning cracked and flashed, making shadows that seemed to be reaching out to me.
I shivered under the covers of my single bed.
My blue eyes fluttered open and focused on a figure standing in front of me.

My father.

He's a middle aged man with sandy, blonde hair like mine and brown eyes that shone with sadness. He still was wearing his pyjamas which made me wonder what time it was.
"Dad?" I asked while rubbing my eyes and brushing some of my hair out of my face.

"Son." He looked as if he was trying not to cry. "You need to come downstairs."

"Why?" I asked, utterly confused.

"Please Aquarius."

I nodded and my father left my room.
I crawled out of bed and slipped on a grey shirt. My eyes caught a glance at the clock. Three in the morning.
Why was I needed this early?

My brother Virgil's bed was empty. Had he already walked down stairs?
I wandered down the stairs. My bare feet slapped against the hardwood floor. I reached the bottom and noticed blue and red flashing lights outside.
A single police car was parked in front of my house.


I turned away from the window to see a young woman with black hair and blue eyes just like mine. My mother. Her face was stained with tears.
My father sat beside her and a police officer was in front of them.
That's when I realized someone was missing. Where was Virgil?

"Mom?" I asked. "W-What happened?" My eyes filled with tears.

"Aquarius Foster, correct?" The police officer asked. He had short, black hair and green eyes. He was all dressed in his uniform, tapping a pen on a pad of paper. I immediately looked to the handcuffs. Cops had always worried me.

I slowly nodded, unsure and confused, and sat down by my parents.

"I am Officer Michael." He held out his hand and I took it. "Unfortunately I have some bad news."

"Virgil." I whispered, tears spilling down my cheeks. My brother was missing from this. He wasn't sleeping in his bed. I knew something had happened to him.

Officer Michael slowly nodded. "There has been an accident. A horrible crash." He paused. "He was ejected from the car. They couldn't find his body anywhere."

My mother slowly got up. I was guessing she couldn't handle it. She had gotten up and left the room. You could hear muffled crying.
My father stood up and followed her, leaving me alone with the officer.

"I'm so sorry about your brother." He said. "I understand how you must be feeling."

I tried to picture my brother. He was my twin. Well fraternal twin. He had black hair like my mother and brown eyes like my father. He was the same age as me, seventeen. Too young for this. Any of this.
I wanted to scream. I wanted to yell at Officer Michael. He didn't understand how I felt! I just lost my twin! He doesn't understand!
I felt myself clench my fists under the table. And that's when I broke down in tears. I didn't know what to feel. I was beyond sad. My brother was dead! But at the same time I was angry.

"Please Aquarius. We are trying to figure out what exactly happened and who hit him. Unfortunately the other driver had retreated. Where was your brother last night?"

"I-I don't know." I stuttered. "A party?" It was true. My brother did go to parties a lot, but I wasn't sure where he went. "I'm sorry. I need to get some air."

Officer Michael nodded. "Take all the time you need."

I got up and put on my shoes. I grabbed my car keys and walked outside. The morning breeze ripped at my clothes and chilled my skin.
I climbed into my red car and started it up. The headlights turned on and I pulled out of the drive way.
I turned on the radio.

"Recently tonight there has been a horrible accident. Virgil Foster..."
I turned it off. I tried not to cry but I couldn't control myself. I pulled the car over to the side of the rode, by the river and cried. The river made it worse. Virgil and I would always come to swim here. My brother's death was a bridge over a river. A large bridge. And I knew it would take a long time to get over it.

Crying by the river made me unaware of the large truck speeding towards me. I felt my car lunge forward.
The other truck, one used for shipping things, had flipped my car.
It landed in a ditch. The driver in the car did nothing. They didn't care. All they did was drive away. A hit and run, just like Virgil's accident.

I was completely alone, stuck in my own car with no one else in sight to help me.
I had hit my head off the steering wheel, causing a large gash to form.
My arm was bent in an awkward way. Black spots danced before my eyes.
"Help." I managed to say, but it came out only as a whisper.
I was going to die here, like my brother. Then another car rolled up, a black van. It stopped by my car and a boy got out. I couldn't make out what he looked like but I could here him yelling. Others got out of the back of the van and rushed forwards.
I lost track of what happened and slowly slipped into unconsciousness.

My eyes opened to people arguing.
I still felt horrible.
Like I could pass out any second.

"Oh bloody hell!" A British boy yelled. "I'm not believing this bull crap!" He had ash brown hair and these very unusual red eyes. He was wearing jeans and a white shirt with a strange logo on it. A star. Each point had a different element. Fire, water, earth, air, lightning and surrounding it was a circle of darkness.

"C'mon Oliver." A girl with brown hair and green eyes said. "He has to be. It only makes sense." She was wearing the same shirt as Oliver and black pants.

"I don't believe it." Oliver snapped.

"We even have proof." Another girl said. She too had brown hair but it had some blonde highlights. She had grey eyes like a thunder cloud. She was wearing that same white shirt and blue jeans.

"Really?" Oliver asked. "Tara? Lindy? Really? Are you just messing with me? Vlad are they messing with me?" Oliver asked the boy who was driving.

He had black hair and very dark brown eyes. He was wearing the same shirt as everyone else but with a black leather jacket over it. He also was wearing black jeans and black shoes. Stereotypical bad boy I guessed.
"Director D was watching him." He said. "He's the one. He has the mark on his neck. Even his brother had powers. That's why he's dead. He couldn't control them."

A boy by Vlad tensed up a bit. He had blonde hair and grey eyes. He was wearing the same white shirt and jeans. His shoes were blue like mine.

"Oh relax Cedric." Lindy said. "Nothing is gonna happen to you."

Cedric seemed to relax but said nothing.

I don't think any of them noticed I was awake.Too many questions filled my head. It made everything hurt.
I couldn't stay awake anymore.
I fell asleep and stayed asleep for a while. Looking back on it I wish I'd never had woken up.

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