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"How do you spell phosphorus?" Calum asked Lucy, this was a casual routine for him and his nine year old daughter, spelling on Mondays, geography on Tuesdays, cooking on Wednesdays, English on Thursdays and art on Fridays.


"No no Lucy, what other letters have the sound F?" Calum interrupted knowing that she was still young and that this was a big step for her

"Hmm.. OH! Ph!!" Lucy cheerfully yelled, proud that she had got it right

"Yes well done but you still have more letters to finish the word"

"Ok" Lucy grumpily groaned, "can we continue after lunch? I'm hungry daddy"

"Ok love, come on, pasta for lunch" Calum said patting her on the back "continue looking at the list I wrote for you"

Lucy nodded in obedience and grabbed the long list that her father had written for her

Meanwhile, Calum had walked to the tiny old, musty kitchen looking around for the tiny cupboard that contained the cans of tomato paste. His eyes finally reached the cupboard and he took a can out of it. He popped open the lid to see a white and green sticky substance in it. He gagged in response and threw it out the window into the white, winter's snow and got another one, with a second pop, its contents were good, a bright red with nice chopped vegetables in it. He smiled and grabbed a pan. He thought about many things while cooking the pasta. He thought about Lucy, and her other Father Luke. Luke was Lucy's mother figure and had taken care of her when the apocalypse happened. It happened one night when three busses were called to load the remaining residents and survivors out of Texas when an infected had broke into one of the busses. This caused Luke to be bitten while protecting Lucy in an abandoned truck 9 years ago when Lucy was only 2 months old.

Bringing back the thoughts made Calum shiver and lastly he thought about the next door neighbor, Michael. He hated how he looked. He looked like a beggar or a hobo who hasn't shaved for years with some pink on the ends of his blonde dirty hair from 9 years ago.

"Daddy? Is lunch ready?" Lucy asked holding her tiny rabbit doll

"Yes love, please go back to the couch while I bring your food"

Lucy instead went to the stove and hesitated to touch the pan while Calum was cleaning and wasn't looking

"Ow!! Daddy! It hurts!" Lucy cried sucking on her finger

"Lucy, come on, what did I tell you to do?" Calum dropped the utensils and went to Lucy to inspect her burnt finger

"I just thought I was a big girl and that I could help you to cook"

"Oh Lucy, please. It's ok, you can help me next time when you're older ok?"

"Ok daddy. I'll be good now" Lucy said pouting and skipped back to the couch

Calum then went back to the sink where he looked at the window and saw Neighbor Michael

Sorry this has no Malum! But it's the intro to the whole story. So keep reading to find out more!


A little in the flesh (extinction spin off) MalumTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon