Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Wolfgang stretched out beside Amy a few days later having decided on a nap while she read quietly. “Good book?” He asked as he woke from his nap.

Amy smiled, “Kind of dry but I have to read it; it’s the book of Ancients written by Sage.”

He sat up and leant over to see the book, he hadn’t thought that the Ancients would write down their observations about their powers. He frowned as his eyes landed on blank pages. “Huh?”

She chuckled, “Yeah… only Ancients can read it… Sage didn’t want everyone to know what we are capable of but to be honest his understanding of what we are capable of is flawed however that isn’t why I have to read this book.”

“Then why do you have to read it?” He asked as he curled up beside her; resting his head on her shoulder.

“Sage may have not understood what we are capable of but he understood the complexities of time hopping and the gods. His knowledge of that helps according to Vivian.” She explained as she turned the page.

He frowned, “I thought the other gods didn’t meddle with Fate’s chosen, so why do you need to know about the other gods?”

“Fate’s chosen?” She questioned, “An apt term, yes the gods don’t meddle but we need to understand them.”

He wrapped an arm around her and rested his head on her shoulder he couldn’t wait until they went home but he also knew how important her lessons were as a few displays of what she could do was all he needed to know that without her lessons she could be dangerous. She wasn’t the only one with lessons because he was her soul mate he needed to know certain things to keep her safe and from corrupting her if she jumped forward in time again.

There was a knock on the door and as he turned away he could have sworn he saw letters on the blank pages but when he glanced back he saw nothing.

“Come in.” Amy called as she marked her place and closed the book.

Vivian walked in, “Sorry to disturb you but I want to measure you.”

“For what?” Amy asked as she stood.

“A practise sword, Rhiannon wants you to be prepared for anything which means battle training.” Vivian explained.

“You have to learn anyway, being an Alpha means you have to defend those who are weaker.” Wolfgang added as he sat up.

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