Chapter 7

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This chapter goes out to the first person to ever comment on my story. I hope you enjoy.

Chapter 7

SHIFT… Amy called out in reaction to that unnatural voice and as if her mind was the catalysis the power surged through her making her jump forward… actually lunge forward was more accurate.

As she lunged everyone turned to watch and everything seemed to go into slow motion. The sheet fell away exposing her body, however no one in the room got more than a glance as her body started to change. Something big and more powerful than any creature currently known; crawled up out of the darkness of her mind, using the power which was suddenly flowing through her body lead the way. It clawed and fought to free it’s self from the darkness from which it was born as the darkness didn’t want to relinquish its claim on it. Once it was finally free of the darkness it started to fight its way out of Amy’s mind and into their body. Amazingly the beast’s struggle to get out of the darkness and into its body only took a moment.

Amy sensed what the beast wanted and didn’t fight it; she let it take her over entirely letting it and the power to do what it was meant to do without her interference.

Her body lengthened dramatically, bones groaned as power forced them to lengthen and strengthen, skin tore open under the stress of the change, blood splashed the floor as blood vessels ruptured. In an instant new skin filled the tears and the damaged blood vessels were repaired. Ribs snapped and expanded, her breasts flattened and vanished into her new form. Her shoulders and hips shattered and reformed making walking on all fours easier.

Cartilage popped and cracked as joints snapped and reformed. Something that sounded like rapid gun fire was actually the joints and disks of her spine popping as it realigned for new body type. Muscles shifted and reformed under her skin in waves, making new patterns of movement for her form.

Shaggy white fur erupted all over her body, hands and feet turned into large paws as legs and arms lengthen to prevent her chest dragging on the ground. A long tail grew from her tail bone and shifted to control her body as it moved through the air. Her head and neck were the last parts of her body to transform.

Her neck widened developing powerful muscles to support her large head. Her skull cracked and expanded, a snout started to crunch its way out of her skull, her jaw popped and shattered to reform.

Amy slammed into the Italian, her shift only taking moments although to those watching it seemed like she took forever to shift. She pressed him to the ground and beneath her as her body finished its final changes. Opening her jaws wide she exposed her teeth to all as they grew into their new shape. Her upper and lower canines lengthened to fit her size and then kept growing, the bottom two set into her lower jaw only grew slightly large, maybe six inches in length and perhaps two inches wide at the base, they slightly protruded outwards so she could close her mouth without hurting herself. The upper canines grew, and kept on growing, too large to fit in her mouth they would rest either side of her lower jaw when her mouth was closed; they sat slightly forward of the lower canines. Over a foot in length, her upper canines slightly curved backward and ended in deadly points.

She held him pinned to the ground with her body weight alone as she was almost 500 pounds heavier than the man beneath her. Lifting her right forepaw, which was the size of a dinner plate, she made razor sharp claws extend before she brought them down and across, tearing open his chest and to the bone in many places. She curled back her lips from her teeth and growled a deadly warning backed up by the BIG sharp teeth she showed off.

Wolfgang blinked in shock and many Alphas in the room blanched, they thought Wolfgang was big… they were wrong… she was bigger. She was a good foot taller in the shoulder then Wolfgang, half again his length and maybe a hundred and fifty pounds heavier if not more. However, she wasn’t a wolf like her mate, no, she was something much different so different in fact that they couldn’t believe what they were seeing.

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