Chapter Eight: Dice And Signets

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Murina and I had just entered the common room when we heard a slight commotion upstairs.

"Leave me alone!" someone shouted in a pained voice.

"Not until you get out of bed! You don't want to miss the breakfast special!" Vlukyn's voice roared in answer, "Hurry up!"

Sreldes came down the stairs a moment later. He and Murina greeted each other cheerfully. Nilfrasi came down the stairs just as Sreldes was sitting down. Kelix was following him. The two of them exchanged friendly greetings with Murina then sat down. While Nilfrasi sat down next to me, Kelix sat by himself at the far end of the bar. Vlukyn came down the stairs pulling Tugulia along behind her. Tugulia looked like she had a very bad hangover. Ethiza followed them into the common room. Stelgun and the guild's dwarves arrived about thirty seconds later.

"So, where is the old potato?" Kelix asked as he watched the dwarves sit down, "I haven't seen him yet. He's usually an early riser, isn't he?"

"You mean you 'aven't 'eard?" Ketven grunted, "'e resign as master a bit over a week ago."

"He what?" Kelix demanded.

"Yeah, now we have a proper matriarch," Vlukyn said happily.

Dukhiza and Khanordhoi entered the common room just then. Khanordhoi looked as though he had a hangover that was just as bad as Tugulia's hangover. Flame and Fryn followed them down into the common room, and Flame immediately ran over to glare at Kelix.

"You! I want to fight you," Flame growled.

"Go away, Little Savage! I'm trying to figure out who is the new guild master," Kelix growled back, "That information isn't likely to reveal itself since I just learned that the old master retired."

"Forget about that and fight me!" Flame roared trying to punch Kelix.

Kelix twisted his body aside and grabbed Flame's wrist with one hand. He brought his other hand up and shoved against Flame's stomach. Flame flipped over in mid air, and Kelix swung around Flame's wrist to end up behind him. Kelix released Flame's wrist just as his foot shot out. He kicked Flame's behind and sent him sliding across the room. Flame slammed into the couch and came to rest with his head and neck wedged under the couch.

"Cease making a fool of yourself, Little Savage," Kelix said, "It won't do you any good."

He sat back down looking as though nothing of importance had happened.

"Ah, I come down in time to see Flame get his ass kicked—literally," Gazual said.

"Who is the current guild master?" Kelix asked Murina ignoring Gazual completely.

"Oh, it's Hebikage," Murina said.

"What?! That stiff-necked wench is the guild master?! Impossible!" Kelix hissed looking positively furious.

"Oh, yes, she took the position about a week ago," Murina said happily.

"What was that old potato thinking?" Kelix growled at no one in particular.

"Breakfast special today is fried seagull!" Vlukyn declared as several other guild members came into the common room.

"That sounds disgusting. I think I'll just stick with drinking tea," Kelix said.

"No, no, everyone should try it," Vlukyn said, "Lucina went out and got them all by herself yesterday. It would be rude not to try it out."

"Fine then. I am rude. Now get off the bar," Kelix said peevishly.

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