Chapter Seven: Siegfried The Light Mage

Start from the beginning

"Bugger off!" Fryn squeaked at the local.

Some of the locals, Fryn, and Flame argued as we made our way back to the guild. Siegfried and I started talking together again.

"So what kind of magic do you use?" I asked Siegfried curiously.

"I'm an elemental style mage that specializes in light magic. I also use some enchantment magic," he answered. "I'm also good with dimensional, transmutation, and conjuring magic."

"You sound like at very talented mage," I said. "So have you ever been in a guild as a member before?"

"No," he answered. "I've been traveling by myself for several years now."

"How old are you?" I asked him.

Before he could answer my question, Flame came over to us.

"I need to get some more candy," Flame interrupted.

"Good idea, I need some too," I said remembering that I needed some candy to give Vlukyn if she bothered me again.

"Yeah!" Fryn agreed. "I need a new lollipop since Vlukyn stole my last one!"

Flame marched up to a general store with a rather abused looking sign with a leaping frog on it that read Jolly Frog General Store. It had some boarded windows as though they had been broken recently, and the green paint on the store's wall was peeling in some places. The door looked like it was enforced against rough customers, for the door had many dents and gouges in it. Siegfried winced as Flame kicked the door open which slammed into the wall making a loud racket as merchandise on the walls vibrated violently. I found it surprising the door was unharmed as it bounced back to the frame unharmed. Siegfried and I stopped the door as we followed Flame into the store.

A moment later the cashier of the store came running from a back room and up to the counter. He looked disgruntled at the site of Flame. He was middle aged man with some white in his black hair and had a mild girth.

"Oh no! It's you again!" he groaned as he slapped his forehead. "You've almost destroyed my store and merchandise several times, and you still owe me a few windows!"

"Shut up! Or I will destroy your establishment completely," Flame grumbled as he waltzed down an aisle and to a section of candy. Fryn and I followed him while Siegfried waited at the door.

Flame and I grabbed five one pound bags of candy together, while Fryn grabbed a large lollipop. We took our merchandise to the counter, the man looked annoyed as he eyed the candy on the counter.

"That's one golen, two seklens, and three kalons," the cashier said sounding as though he said this every day.

"Oh, oh, this too!" Fryn squealed in excitement as he placed a two pound chocolate bar on the counter.

"Two seklens, and two kalons," the cashier said.

After Flame and I paid together, Flame abruptly tossed a bag of candy to the side at Siegfried, who caught it calmly.

"What's this for?" he asked. "Does this have any use, aside from eating? I really don't eat candy often."

"Just give that to Vlukyn if she bugs you," Flame said, as though that answered his question as we walk out back into the street.

"Who's Vlukyn?" Siegfried asked me, as we followed Flame and Fryn back to the guild.

"Remember that dark elf I was with when we first saw each other on the beach? That's her name," I answered. "As I noticed quickly, she gives newcomers a hard time. If she does so to you, give her some candy; she has a sweet tooth. She may leave you alone for while if she is distracted by eating candy."

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