Daddy Gets Angry (Chp. 2)

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(A/N pay close attention for details that trace to Mclennon, also, enjoy!!)

Julian slid off his little bed and crawled out of his room. He heard a familiar sound of a guitar strumming and a faint humming that woke him up.

Also, the smell of that new blue paint that coated his walls was terrible, and he was a bit hungry.
Julian crawled silently, moving his knees with a new expertise he recently learned, the ground doesn't burn his legs with his warm yellow jammies on his body.

In the hall were 5 doors.

One white door that lead to his mummy's room, which was mostly for his mum, for he rarely saw daddy in there. Another white door that lead to the bathroom, two brownish doors that lead to thin, small closets. And one black door that lead to a room daddy was always in. It was slightly opened and music was almost floating out from there.

Julian made his way over there, carefully passing the stairs, and peeked in. He saw his daddy sitting on a chair, strumming on that guitar.

He had about three of those.

In the room there was a desk filled with papers and a few chairs. His harmonica sitting on the desk as well. Julian also noticed his uncle Paul sitting closely to his daddy, a guitar on his lap, but his eyes were on daddy.

"Paaaaaa!!" Julian shrieked, pushing the door open with his little hand and crawling fast into the room.

His daddy stopped playing abruptly and his uncle beamed at Julian.

"Jules!" He stretched his arms open and picked the kid and swung him around. Julian gasped and squealed with delight.

His daddy leaned on his guitar with his chin on his hands and watched the two mess around.

It was an interesting sight.

He was watching uncle Paul covered his eyes, then

"Boo!" He barked and Julian screamed, then giggled loudly. Julian looked at Paul with some glimmer in his eyes. Joy and admiration. Paul practically returned the look.

That's odd.

It was almost the exact same look John gave Paul.

"Paul, we gotta go to the studio now"


"Yeah, well" John glanced look at his watch. Julian pouted, then said his goodbyes to his uncle, then refused to let go of him.

"C'mon Jules" Paul giggled.


"Julian" John said firmly, then Julian loosened his grip on his uncle, letting him go.


-April, 1964-

"Mammy!" Julian screamed. "Maaaaam!"

"Com'ere Julian!" His mum yelled back. Julian crawled into to the kitchen, little pat-noises following his hands, where he saw his mum putting some cake or something in the oven.

"Oh Jules, you know how to walk already.." Cynthia sighed and slipped off her oven gloves, picked up Julian, and put him on the counter.

"Do you know what your daddy is doing?" Cynthia asked him.

"Mm-mm" Julian shook his head and bit his finger, a habit of his. Cynthia sighed heavily and pushed the finger out of his mouth.

"You know, your uncle Paul does that exact same thing"

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