Chapter 12- Escape

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This was the final thrust. As I watched Sebastian finally get to the tip of the lighthouse from the mirror Ruvik had put in my room, I realized that this was it. Ruvik had already won and nobody knew it. Leslie entered the chessboard, the King. Sebastian was the Pawn. Joseph, who died, was the Queen.

Kiddman entered, the enemy Pawn. I watched them argue over Leslie's life as if it belonged to them. The lighthouse changed and shifted, becoming the final battleground. Leslie walked towards the giant brain, and Sebastian called out for him to stop...but it was too late. Ruvik appeared and Leslie shuffled towards him, willingly. Ready to give up his body. Ruvik reached out, touching Leslie. Leslie became nothing more than a puddle. He was absorbed into Ruvik's conciousness, becoming a part of him.

The area faded back to as it was from before, and then broke apart. I watched as Sebastian took a sky fall. Ruvik burst forth from the brain, and a battle ensued. Sebastian got speared when Ruvik threw him into the air, but he persisted with an RPG. It all came down to the final blow as Ruvik- the monster- crawled towards Sebastian, opening it's mouth and revealing Ruvik...Sebastian took out his gun, aiming it at Ruvik. As the trigger was pulled the monster's jaws clamped shut...and Ruvik screamed.

I saw Sebastian get out of his tub, moving towards Ruvik's brain. Ruvik insisted on how he couldn't be kept within his world. Sebastian smashed the container containing Ruvik's brain, and stomped on it.

Everything went black.

I woke up, feeling my arms swaying. This was a familiar feeling- a feeling of being carried. Stars littered the night sky as I looked at the person who was carrying me.

"...Leslie?" I asked, confused."

"No. Ruvik."

Satisfied with the answer, I snuggled closer to his warmth.

"I take it we succeeded?"

"Not yet. This isn't over. Revenge still needs to be had."

"And have it we shall."


"Yes, Ruvik?"

"I love you."

"And I you."

As I kissed him, it was not Leslie I saw. No, Ruvik's full appearance was made known to me.

He would have his vengance.

Kiddman failed. We have won...

And under the cover of darkness, we'd feed the evil within...



If a second game of the Evil within comes out, I'll probably expand this book.

This is labeled as a complete book now!

While waiting for part 2 or book 2...

Go check out and support my other books too, they have unique plots and characters. It makes me so happy when I see people liking my books.

♡tell me what you thought of it, okay?♡

Feed The Evil Within, Ruvik x OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant