Chapter 9- Am I Just Collateral Damage? Is Any Of Me Really Me?

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As I ran, I recalled the words in my head over and over.

Despite the Twin's rare condition, an even rarer condition has appeared between the two of them. The Twins...are Twin Doppelgangers. A woman, her name being Laura, is not only the first of the three, but they both are a splitting image of her in looks and personality. They could easily pass off as the woman - who died in that fire -because they are technically that woman. The reason for Elise's death was simple. Since the original suffered that fate, fate demanded that the Doppelgangers would as well. It's unknown if the eldest of the twins will suffer the same fate as Elise. In the end, they are both Laura.

However, in the end, one Laura remains, as it should be.

The world has righted it's mistake of having three copies.

I'm a copy.

I am not me.

Who am I?

Am I Laura, or am I my sister?

Am I both?

Does Elise even exist?!

As I smashed into the wall, I ran past the nurse to the mirror.

"You can't run from the truth, Laura. It's always two steps ahead of you." The nurse said, staring at me.

"I'm not Laura!" I screamed, covering my ears.

"But you are. And so was your sister. And so was Ruvik's sister."

"What the hell do I do...?"

"You become Ruvik's Laura."

"Then what happens to Ruvik's Elise?"

"Ruvik's Elise never existed in the first place."

"That's not true."

"Elise isn't a person, Laura. She's a doppelganger, and her only job is to be Laura."

"You're a liar."

"Oh, Laura. You should know me better by now. I never lie."

I felt the tingling sensation of leaving the mirror. I couldn't do this. I couldn't face Ruvik. Especially if Elise didn't exist. If Elise doesn't exist, then who fell in love with Ruvik?


Elise's big secret is revealed,

So now you, the readers, have two choices.

Do I end it within the next two chapters? Or do I continue until the very end of the game time line?

I can always continue it beyond that, but your choice.

Feed The Evil Within, Ruvik x OCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon