All Ships: A Silly Game in The Dorms

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Prompt: Nine friends playing games in a dorm room can get really weird, really quickly.

~Evan's p.o.v~

This was probably not the brightest thing Tyler has suggested we do, I mean nine friends all in a dorm room on a Friday night, what could go wrong you ask. Well, a lot of things.

~An hour before~

"Come on guys, let's just play the game." Tyler said while taking a swig of beer.

Tyler suggested we play 'Never Have I Ever', I game in which if you have the most boring life you lose.

"Should we?" Craig asks as he shoots Tyler a questionable look.

"Yea sure why not, it will be really fun." Tyler reassured us.

We all sat in circle in the front of the t.v and we all had shot glasses filled with Vodka. The point of the game was to be as drunk as possible by five or so rounds, someone says something they have never done, then they say 'Never Have I Ever____' and if you did do it then you take a shot and if you haven't done it you don't take a shot. I could tell this will end with either someone's feelings getting hurt or one less friend all together.

"Jonathan, you start." Tyler said, with Craig leaning on his shoulder sleepy.

Jonathan comes over from his spot on the bed and sits in my lap.

"Never I ever topped during sex." Jonathan says seductively.

Tyler, Brock, David, Marcel and I took a drink, since more people have done it Jonathan took a shot.

"Never have I Ever been to Ireland." David says.

Brian, Craig, Brock, and Lui took a shot. 

"Lui, Brock you two have been to Ireland." Tyler asks.

"Yea to visit David." Lui says leaning into David a giving him a quick kiss.

"I visited Brian." Brock said while laughing.

David swore, and know it was lui' s turn.

"Never have I ever woken up a 5:00 a.m to go to the gym." Lui knew that a couple of the guys woke up early to go to the gym.

Basically everyone took a shot except for David and Jonathan, so lui took a shot.

"Never have I ever had a threesome." Tyler said after Lui took a shot.

Lui, David, Marcel, all took shots embarrassed by the fact that we'll all now know they've had a threesome.

"Really guys, with who?" Tyler asks.

"Both of them." Lui said while looking down into his lap.

"Wow, were you drunk or something?" 

"No...." Lui says shyly.

After a couple more rounds we decide to stop because it turns out rule gets mad drunk and Brock and Brian stared to make out right during a round.  We concluded that Jonathan has lost and I congratulated him on having a very boring life. Tyler had won, but I guess he didn't even care by the fact that all he said was 'thanks' and flopped onto the bed.

We all said goodnight to each other and I ended up having to cary Jonathan back to his dorm room. Although we are dating, we live in different dorms, which sucks. Jonathan lives with Luke and I live with some guy, but we still make time to spend together.

~The End~

A/N- Sorry if I messed up how the game works, or how it's played.

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