Minicat & Other Ships: A Cheesy Love Story

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Prompt: Imagine your OTP in the classic " lab partners picked by the teacher" scenario.

Bonus: If it's an OT3 and one of the members is in another group.

Bonus: If person A has the highest grade in the class and person B has the lowest.

A/N- I'm probaly am going to make a part two to this, I really enjoyed writing it.

~Craig's p.o.v~

"So, you excited to dissect a frog?" Evan asked me while we walked down the corridor to get to biology. 

"I don't know man, I'm not that good with this kind of stuff, so I'll see how it goes." I say optimistically as we kept on walking, I just didn't get why we have to have biology right after lunch.

We walked into the classroom and sat down at our tables, our teacher Mrs.Patterson seemed to be running a little late since she's nowhere to be seen. I sat down in my seat and stared to pull out my notebook and textbook from my bag, after about 5 minutes Mrs.Patterson arrived and most of the class was here, it seemed like some students were either late or absent. After attendance was takin, Mrs.Patterson explained to us what we are going to do today and started to pair us up.

"Ok, so the person who you guys usually would work with, aka the person next to you, are not going to be your partner for this dissection, instead I'm going to pair you up in assigned groups, based on grades."

"Oh great, I hope I don't get someone retared." I whispered to myself.

"Ok, Evan with Jonathan, Uhh Molly and Kevin, Tyler and Craig, Brian and Brock...." She went on naming the partners and when she was done she ordered us to get with our partners and sit quietly untill further instructions.

"Uhh, Mrs.Patterson there is 3 of us who don't have a partner." I looked over and noticed Lui was talking.

"Ohh... sorry there, Lui and David, and then Marcel come join Jessica and Martha's group." 

"Mrs can't I just join Lui's group instead?" Marcel asked trying to sound kind but ended sounding sassy.

"No, you're good with them." Mrs.Patterson responded smilling.

"Ok, class I'm coming around to give you the instructions for this assignment, I am not going to show you how to do it this time like I did with the pigs we did, so read carefully and clearly, if you don't understand an instruction you can always ask me or your partner, once you get this sheet you may being." Mrs.Patterson said as she walked around the room giving the groups each one instructional sheet, I noticed Tyler slipping a piece of folded notebook paper in front of me while we were talking.

I opened it up while he went up to get the supplies and frog. It read:

"Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?"  I honestly couldn't believe what I read, it was so sweet, I mean Tyler is the baseball captain and I'm just a frickin nerd who plays video games on Friday nights instead of going to partys...why would he want me?

Tyler came back with the supplies and the dead frog on the tray.

"You ready?" Tyler asked me before making the first incision down the stomach.

I nodded and watched while he did it, we read threw the paper and did mostly everything on it, there was stuff like 'find the lungs' and 'find the heart' then there were things like' find out if your frog is a male or female'. When Mrs.Patterson saw that many students were getting finished up with the dissection she told everyone that once they are done to put away the supplies and to throw away the corpse, many people were actually naming their frogs ridiculous names. We were 30 minutes into this 45 minute period class so once we were done we had a little time to spare. Once Tyler went up to put the stuff away I grabbed the paper and wrote:

"Guess what I'm wearing? The smile you gave me." I knew that was cheesy but it was true.

I slept the paper over to his side of the table and waited for him to get back and once he did he grabbed the paper almost instantly. I saw him smile and scoot closer to me so Mrs.Patterson couldn't see us exchanging notes in class, although it was free time it was still class time.

He scooted the paper back over to me and it read:

"If kissies were snowflakes, I'd send you a blizzard." It's so cute I think I'm blushing.

I grabbed my pen and wrote:

"Is there a science room nearby, or am I just sensing the chemistry between us?" I looked up to see him wink at me and i chuckled a bit.

Tyler then wrote back:

"Do you have a map? Cause I keep getting lost in your eyes." It's funny cause I don't really like wearing glasses but I have to anyway, I bet Tyler doesn't like his cause of baseball.

And then I wrote:

"Are you light switch? Cause you turn me on!" I put a little wink face at the end, I hope he doesn't think I'm trying to get into his pants or anything.

I saw him wink again and lick his lips stupidly. But he replied with:

"If beauty were time, you'd be eternity." It makes me feel good when someone complements me, because I am actual really insecure about how I look. 

Then I decided to try something and wrote:

"Your lips look lonely...would they like to meet mine?" Tyler then leaned in and kissed my after he saw what I wrote, we probaly could have made out there, but the bell rang and we were dismissed

"Hey, Craig meet me at locker 298 I want to invite you over to my house and spend the night." Tyler said before packing up and leaving. 

I said yea and left going to my next class all jittery and excited.

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