All Ships: Water Fight

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Prompt: Imagine your OTP having a water fight in the garden.

~Evan's p.o.v~

"You sure about this?" Tyler asks me while I was filling up a bucket of water.

Me, Tyler, Daithi, Brock, and Marcel are out back behind me and Jonathan's house filling up buckets with water to dump on our boyfriends. I told them to leave their phones in the house just in case we start a water fight, they will probably be really mad at us, but who cares the look on their faces when a bucket of ice cold water gets poured on them will be priceless. 

"Yea man, come on it'll be fine, they're probably just going to get really pissed at us and whine about getting wet." I reassure Tyler.

We fill up one bucket for each of us and carefully walk around to the backyard where Jonathan, Craig, Brian, and lui were all hanging out. We opened the gate door and creep around them.

"Surprise Ice Bucket Challenge bitch." I yell as I pour the ice cold water all over Jonathan.

Next thing you know I hear Lui swear and both Daithi and Marcel screaming. By know Brian already has the hose in hand and starts spraying all of us with it. Jonathan is using me as a human shield while Brian and Brock are fighting over the hose.

A couple of minutes later we find some water balloons and start filling them up. We decided to do bottoms v.s tops, we had so much fun and really were enjoying ourselves. It's good to take a break sometimes and have fun offline. We dryed off and went inside to have some popsicles, let a say their were a lot of glances and awkwardness when eating those popsicles.

~The End~ 

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