
My car finally pulled up to the driveway of the house and we trudged inside. However, when we walked through the front door, we immediately smelled something sweet.

"Aunt Joce must be baking something." I said, following the scent to the kitchen. Fabien trailed behind me.

We stepped foot into the kitchen when lo and behold, it was Uncle Vic. He was wearing a cheesy chef's hat and a floral apron. The man had his hands on his hips and had a little flour on his face.

"You know, Mr. Mom, you really need to talk to someone about this very bold fashion statement." Fabien joked, "Are you trying to tell us something?"

Uncle Vic ruffled Fabien's hair, "Hello to you guys too. And I make this look good." He said suave-like.

"Uh huh." I laughed.

"Whatcha baking?" Fabien asked peering over the island.

"Heh, more like, what aren't you baking?" I laughed, taking a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie from its tray. He made cookies, muffins, and raisin bread. Where were these when I was eating breakfast this morning? I could've done well on these than that cold cereal I had this morning. I took a bite off the cookie, "So, what is all this? And are Fabien and I on clean-up duty?"

"Oh, your aunt volunteered us, or me, to bake something for this charity benefit her friend is putting together." He answered, "And no. You won't be."

"Good. And I guess we'll all be out of the house tomorrow."

He shrugged, "I guess so." He opened up the oven as the timer went off and another batch of freshly baked cookies came out, "Brownie cookies, my specialty."

"Can I get one?" Fabien asked.

"One." Uncle emphasized.

Fabien did so, and moaned, "Oh, these are good." He knitted his eyebrows together, "Wait, why isn't Aunt Joce the one baking these?"

Uncle let out a hearty laugh, "Your aunt can't bake to save her life."

Fabien and I busted out laughing, as Uncle Vic put another batch of raw mix into the oven. I think they were oatmeal raisin this time.

He closed the oven door, and chuckled, "Well, I'm serious. When we first got together, your aunt tried to bake me cookies. It was horrible, I mean, it was one of those, burnt on the outside but still raw in the inside type cookies. To this day, I still don't understand how that's chemically impossible. So instead, our date ended up being me slaving over a hot oven to correct a batch of cookies."

"Okay, it wasn't that horrible." Aunt Joce said, coming into the kitchen.

"Uh, yeah. It was." He scoffed.

Fabien and I were just enjoying the show that the two were putting on. Leave it to Aunt Joce and Uncle Vic to break that gender stereotype. I was laughing as the two went at it, and the fact that Fabien managed to sneak another cookie; when I realized something. I cleared my throat to get their attention, "Uh, guys?" They looked at me, and I felt my cheeks heating up, "I need to talk to you."


"Part-time?" Aunt Joce questioned as the three of us sat down at the dining table.

I was twiddling my thumbs, "Yes."

"At a music shop?" Uncle Vic smiled.

That's a good sign right?

I just nodded my head.

"I think that's a brilliant idea." He beamed, "Builds character." While he said that, Aunt Joce gaped, but he continued, "This can teach you many valuable things. Besides this isn't even your first job is it?"

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