Love comes in diffrent colors ( mindless behavior story )

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Hi everyone this is my story and no this is not an. I love mindless beahvior dream come true story cause .I personally can't stand them but to be able to travel all summer not turning that down now let me tell .You about my self

my favorite colors-yellow,teal,green ,and blues

fave food-subway and  soul food

fave artist- beyonce and Cher Lloyd and Lil Wayne

fave cartoon charter- domo

pet peeves-fake people , lieing and  hoes

OK other then that I'm an only child .I draw and sing and dance and rap in my spare time .I love dogs and I don't like mindless behavior

love  Kandee Alcon

Hola everyone this is Kandee's best friend  Brook Hodges and i'm going to tell you guys a little about me kk here we go

I love mindless behavior

my favorite colors are greens and purple

I love  junk food

I dance but no one knows but my best friend

I love adventure time

I rap

I love nicki minaj

and my favorite tv show is boondocks me and dee watch it all the time

will that's  enough for know and I have a crush on Princeton  bye loves

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