Chapter 1 - Katniss

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(Katniss's POV)

When my alarm went off, I was already half-awake.

That may sound great, but let me tell you, it is torture. My brain was too muddled to figure out why there was a loud beeping noise near my head. Was it a bomb? My breathing quickened as my irrational, tired brain latched onto that idea. A bomb? Why was there a bomb in my room?

I sat up quickly, and all the blood rushed to my head. My normal thinking slowly started to kick in as I spotted my bedside table. The sound was coming from my clock. Was it the bomb?

No, idiot. It's your alarm.

I frowned, and fumbled around on the table to turn it off. I was trying to stay under my warm, cozy blankets. Why was my alarm set? There wasn't any-


My groping hand finally found the "off" button, and I pulled the cord on my lamp. Light flooded the room, and I squinted my eyes and buried my head in my blankets. Too bright.

After a few minutes, I groaned and rolled out of bed. Why couldn't Christmas break go on forever? Sure, this one had been less than perfect, but it was way better than going back to school.

I wrapped myself in my blankets again and shuffled into the bathroom. A quick glance in the mirror confirmed what I already suspected: I was a human burrito. I could care less, though.

Ten minutes later, I was trying not to fall asleep into my cereal. I'd stayed up till two in the morning last night, texting Madge, Peeta, and Johanna. Mainly Johanna, because Peeta and Madge both went to bed at a reasonable hour.

Prim skipped into the kitchen a few minutes later, alert and happy and much too hyper. It was only seven in the morning! Way to early to be skipping.

"Morning, Kat!" she said cheerily, pulling the orange juice out of the fridge. I groaned, and put my head down on the table, narrowly missing my cereal. Why was my little duck such a morning person?

"Want some orange juice?" she said, ignoring my groan. "It'll help you wake up."

"I don't want to wake up."

"I could just pour it on your face," she said, then giggled.

"If you pour it on my face I'm drowning you in the tub," I replied quickly lifting my head from the table.

"Shoot...too fast," I groaned. I heard Prim chuckle and begin eating her cereal. Everytime she took a bite, she didn't close her mouth, and I could hear her smacking.

"Close your mouth when you chew, Prim!" I said, getting irritated.

"Well dang! Is it that time of the month, Katniss?"

I sprang up from my chair. "Come here. I'm gonna drown you in tub!" I lunged after her. She dropped her bowl, cereal falling all over the counter.


"AM NOT!" I screamed.

I was chasing Prim around the house when all of a sudden I heard a meow. The next thing I knew, I was on the floor, groaning.

"Buttercup! Oh sweetie are you okay?" Prim gasped, running forward to rock the cat back and forth, holding it like a small child.

"You've got to be kidding me! You're worried more about the cat then me?" I called, annoyed.

"He wasn't going to drown me in the tub!" she yelled, scowling at me.

I quickly got up and walked to my room to get ready. After getting dressed, I grabbed my keys, then flew out the front door, ignoring my sister. Before I slammed the door I heard her say that I was supposed to take her to school. I laughed and took off to school without her.

I was halfway to school when I decided I should go back and get Prim. I sighed and made a u-turn. I pulled up and saw her crying on the porch. Rolling down the window I called out to her. "Come on! We're gonna be late! Let's go."

Prim looked up at me, obviously not believing what she was seeing. She hoisted her backpack over her shoulder and started for the car. "I thought you really left," she said as she climbed into the passenger seat.

"I did. I just decided that I didn't want Mom taking away my license." I dodged as Prim tried to hit my head with her lunchbox.

Once we got to school Prim jumped out of the car and ran to the building, even though we were still ten minutes early. I rolled my eyes at her and took my time getting my stuff and walking to the school.

I unceremoniously shoved my books in my locker and walked to the cafeteria to find Madge, Gale, and Peeta.

No, only Madge and Peeta.

I spotted Madge at our usual table. There was a boy sitting across from her, and for a moment I thought it was Peeta, but then I noticed the black leather jacket he was wearing. Peeta wouldn't be caught dead in a leather jacket. I slowly walked up to them, wondering who on earth Madge was talking to?

I passed the boy, and sat down next to Madge. Maybe he was a new student? I looked up and gasped. The least likely person to ever wear a leather jacket was sitting across from me, wearing exactly that.


He wore this scowl on his face like he was smelling something bad. "That's the name, sweetie. Don't wear it out."

What the heck? What had gotten into him? He didn't say anything else, just smirked. Which I admit, was kinda hot. But also weird. I mean, it was Peeta. Sweet, lovable Peeta!

The bell rang and we started to head to class. Some guy accidentally bumped into Peeta as we walked out of the cafeteria. It totally set him off.

"Watch where you're going retard." Peeta flicked him in the head. What the heck happened to him? He had been normal last night when I was texting him.

I looked at Madge, wide-eyed, and saw my expression mirrored on her face. Shock. What happened to our sweet, lovable Peeta?

The dude got up in Peeta's face, yelling curse words at him. What happened next, though, earned a gasp from everyone in the hallway.


This is the first chapter we've written together! I think soon you'll be able to tell who writes what. Our writing styles are different, for sure. Any dirty jokes are Ry's fault!

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~Ellie and Ry

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