Chapter Thirty-one

Start from the beginning

Down the mall further is the food court, the smell of different places making my stomach growl. We decide to stop for a late lunch, because who can resist the urge to eat while shopping? I decide to order Subway and find a seat, pushing myself through the crowds. Cassie, Beatrice, and Andrea sit around me just as a group of boys, older than Andrea and I.

One of the guys who has blonde hair winks and smiles, flashing his pearly whites at me. I drop my eyes quickly. Cassie turns to me and smirks.

"Looks like someone has their eye on you," she says, mocking what Andrea had said earlier, and I shake my head.

"I thought you were already taken too?" Beatrice asks, looking confused. "Daniel mentioned that you were with some guy named Alex? Or was it Adam?"

"Austin," I tell her, sighing.

I had hoped this wouldn't have been brought up.

"Oh, so you're not together anymore?" She asks and I shake my head again.

Talking about it just makes my heart ache.

"Maybe, you should just talk to him," Andrea says. "You know, people make mistakes, and sometimes you just have to be the bigger person and accept and forgive."

I look at my best friend as if she's crazy.

"Talk to him?" I ask, as if its the craziest idea in the world.

Andrea nods her head, taking a bite of her burger. "You know the only reason you are mad at him is because he didn't tell you sooner. Is that really a good enough reason to let him go?"

I don't want to let Austin go, especially for a stupid reason like that.

"And it's not his fault," Cassie says, patting my arm. "You can't blame anyone. It was an accident."

Although I wanted someone to blame, I know they're right.

Maybe I should talk to him.

"Hey, don't I know you from somewhere?" an English accent speaks up from behind and I snap my head around. Tucker and Henry walk up, smiling. 

Cassie and Beatrice nudge each other, making winky faces. Andrea rolls her eyes. 

"Tucker, Henry, this is my sister Cassie and Daniel's girlfriends Beatrice," she says, introducing the two. Cassie and Andrea smile, saying hello. "What are you guys doing here?"

Tucker lifts the Nikes bag at his side. "Shopping for myself," he says, chuckling. "Any luck with shopping yourselves?"

I nod. "Yeah, I have my parents and most of my brothers gifts bought. Just a few more people to go," I say. "What are your plans for tonight?" 

Tucker shrugs. "Not much, I pick my parents up from the airport tomorrow, but until then, Netflix is likely going to be my number one."

"Well, if you get bored, my parents are having a small get together. We skate and have hot chocolate afterwards. You're welcome to come," I say, offering an invite. I gesture down to my leg. "Obviously,  I won't be skating though."

Tucker smiles. "Aidan already extended the offer," he says, and he blushes. "And truthfully, I don't skate very well."

"I can give you some pointers," I offer. "It'll be fun. Hanging out with the Taylor's there is never a dull moment, I promise you that."

Tucker hesitates, before shrugging a shoulder. "Okay, why not. But, you have to promise not to laugh when I fall on the ice."

I laugh, crossing my heart with my hand. "I'll see you tonight."

Henry and Tucker leave soon after and Andrea narrows her eyes. 

"What the hell was that?" 

I tilt my head. "I have no idea what you're talking about," I say, averting my eyes. 

She snorts. "Yeah, you do," she says, sighing. "You just hard core flirted and invited Tucker to your house tonight."

"And? What's your point?" 

Andrea groans, resting her head on the table. "You are hopeless. What about Austin? "

I shrug my shoulders. "What about him? Tucker and I are just friends."

Cassie pipes up from across the table. "Does Austin know that?"


A few hours later, back home, I'm in the middle of helping mom bake cookies for tonight. 

"Honey, why don't you go have a nap? You look exhausted," she says, rubbing my back. 

It's true. My eyes are drooping every second I stay awake. I give a faint smile and finish putting the pan in the oven before hobbling down the hall. Thankfully, my brothers are outside, helping dad shovel a path to the lake and set up tables and chairs. I make it to my bedroom and about to shut my door when I hear my name. 

I open it back up and see Jude peering at me.

He gives a little smile. "Hey, can we talk?"

"Sure," I say, yawning. I hope it will be quick.

Jude pushes past me, entering my room and making himself at home on my bed as if I hadn't been going to lay there myself.

"So, you and Austin," Jude starts, narrowing his eyes at me. What's with people and discussing my relationship status? "You two need to get back together."

I blink. Did I hear him right? Is he sick or something? 

Jude smirks. "Yeah, you heard me. I'm tired of seeing you so unhappy Em. Before you and Austin started hanging out, you were so sad, it made me unhappy. Then when you were with him, it was like a whole new you. You smiled. Austin is one bright part of your life that I don't want to see gone."

That makes two of us.

Jude finishes his talk, and shuts my door as he leaves.

I take my phone out and dial Austin's number.

"Hello?" he answers on the third ring.

"Hi, it's me," I say, which I know sounds incredibly stupid. "Can we talk?"

If you notice any mistake, let me know please. I still have to go back and add a few more details along the last few chapters. Just don't be rude. It's not nice.

Thanks for reading!

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I still haven't decided Austin and Emma's fate. 

Have any of you watched the recent episodes of Teen Wolf, The Fosters, or Shadowhunters?

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