She also said porcelain skin was a tad uncommon as well.

She said my eyes were normal though. My bright blue eyes were valued, even desired she told me.

Blue eyes apparently run in the family.

Grandpa had them.

Dad had them.

Grandpa said his brother has them too.


I've learned to wear long sleeves and such when in the Muggle world.

Not that I've ever been to the Wizarding world- that being Diagon Alley, Hogsmead, the Ministry, or any of the schools.

I've actually never been farther than the shops in Greenport, New York.

I placed the groceries on the counter and began putting them away- frozen items in the freezer, canned items in the shelves, etc.

I was placing the plastic bags in one of the cabinets- I can recycle and resuse them- when I heard I crack.

Not just like a twig snapping, or a boat line snapping, it was the crack of a wizard apparating.

I immediately tensed.

Who and what is here and why?

Grandpa said if anyone ever somehow found the island, to get out of there as soon as possible, for they were going to harm me for a reason he didn't tell me.

He told me to go to some place in England. In Devon, England to be precise.

I think it was called the Barrow? I remember Grandpa telling me all about it. He told me that the whole family is the same: red-heads. And he also told me- wait. To late for memory lane now! I can hear someone yelling now.

I quickly grabbed a picture of this Barrow place, and grabbed the porkey that Grandpa had enchanted for me. I had kept it inside a kitchen drawer for an occasion just like this.

I was overcome with the feeling of a hook grabbing me somewhere behind my navel.

As quickly as that uncomfortable feeling occured, I was landing in the middle of some grassy field.

I need to find Grandpa! Maybe he's at this Barrow place?

I glanced around me, to make sure no one had followed me somehow.

I was alone.

I took off in any direction, hoping to find some sort house.

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