"Poor little orphan"

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A slow and steady beep filled the air... Inconsistently droning on. It's strange how a tiny noise can make such a difference.
"His pulse rate is dropping, dr Clarkson, I must insist you take him straight into theatre!" Sybil shouted, pacing at the foot of the bed. It had taken her everything she had to talk to dr Clarkson again, her sacrifices would not be in vain.
"I can only take a patient into theatre with parental or partner's consent nurse Crawley. Even you know that." He said, adding insult to injury with his snide comment.
"I honestly don't have time to argue with you, but I'm afraid it's time you stopped playing with fate. Unlike you, I don't believe mr Crawley here can wait until Mary signs some papers, or even for Isobel to return from god knows where. I will NOT be responsible for a death where it could have been averted. Now either you stop being a slave to rules, which, by the way ,kills innocent men, and start playing the game via the rules of life. Also known as genuine logic." Sybil was Absolutely fuming. They'd already sent for Mary, and for all they knew she'd fainted by now. Suddenly their argument was interrupted by an increase in the ,what was ,steady drone of the machine...
"NO LET ME GET TO MAMA, LET GO OF ME!" George squealed and kicked as Robert picked him up in attempt to take him away from the ambulance... Mary usually fainted, but she hadn't eaten for a while and the hard ground wasn't usually the surface on which she usually fell on. Doctors suspected concussion, nurses expected emergency.
"Poor little orphan.." Edith whispered under her breath from behind the sharp corner of the abbey... She had stopped her duties to inspect the commotion. Her careful gaze had settled on the screaming boy, being held back by both nanny and Robert. His papa was badly injured, his mama constantly fainting.. She had once overheard Mary refer to him as an orphan when Matthew was suspected to be missing in action. One would never have thought this statement to become so dreadfully near the truth.
"Robert can you handle him between you?" Cora called out from the back of the ambulance as they carefully loaded Mary in on a stretcher.
"Perhaps but not for long. Cora someone has to tell him!" Robert yelled back, hands flailing from under his grasp in attempt to loosing his grip.
"LET GO OF ME. MAMA!" George screamed and kicked and cried, but alas his attempts were in vain.. In the end, all that was left infront of him were the tracks in the gravel of the strange vehicle that had stolen away his mama and granny..
A while later George was still sat on the floor, staring ahead of him into the dull evening mist.. Awaiting the return of his mama and papa.. The nanny had left him a while ago, failing to hold him down. Robert had been called to a meeting, and saw no harm in letting George cry alone.
A single tear dropped down onto his frozen little fingers as he stared in the direction, relentlessly, depending on his parent's words..
"We will never ever leave you Georgey."
Where were they now?

"New arrival! A lady Crawley, doctor!" The ambulance driver yelled in through the double doors of the hospital.
"What?! She can't come in here! There's Convalescents In here, think man! Putting a lady amongst those?"
Dr Clarkson yelled, half his attention on trying to allocate a new arrival of severely injured officers.
"She will go amongst those if I have anything to say about it!" Cora exclaimed, jumping down from the back of the ambulance, tugging at her coat and pulling it tighter as the 'summer shower' transformed into a torrential downpour.
"DR CLARKSON!!" A voice yelled and echoed down the corridor, followed by a clicking of heels.
Suddenly Sybil appeared from out a door and ran towards the doctor, breathless and panting.
"He is getting worse doctor, we don't have time. We MUST take him to theatre and operate immediately." As she said this, she noticed they weren't alone..
"Mama?" She said quizzically, seeing the blurred figure in the rain to be of the same frame as her mother..
Cora stared back equally confused..
"Who's getting worse?" She asked before realising slowly.
"Oh god no please say it's not Matthew."
Both the doctor and Sybil looked back in cora's direction hopelessly..
"I'm looking forward to all sorts of things."
The words echoed in her memory as she lay almost lifeless on the stretcher inside the ambulance.
"Don't make me blush."
She felt the carpet beneath her heels, the necklace weaving in between her fingers as she fiddled with it, the chilled breeze coming through the front door as the chauffeur awaited Matthew's arrival.
The dimmed lights around her, the unusually silent drawing room, the grand, elaborately designed staircase behind her.
His cheeky smile..
It wasn't real..
It wasn't real..
With a gasp Mary opened her eyes and felt her heart racing within her chest... A heavy pounding relentlessly continued in her head, leaving incredible throbbing in her temple..
She tried to look around but everything was blurred and every time she moved her head it hurt.
"M... Matthew?" She mumbled, turning her head slowly, trying not to move too quickly incase another shot of pain ran through her head.
"Ma'am she's awake!" The ambulance assistant shouted from the back of the vehicle, increasing the pain of Mary's headache because even normal speech sounded like shouting to her.
"She is?" Cora immediately left the ensemble and rushed to Mary's side, holding her hand and kissing it as Sybil and dr Clarkson ran down the corridor to where Matthew's bed was.
"Nurses to ward 13!"
The command echoed down the cold corridors of the hospital and a flood of footsteps became audible.
"Darling it's going to be fine I promise you."
Mary squinted at the figure holding her hand as if she bearly recognised her.
"Can you stop shouting? I'm perfectly fine already, Wheres Matthew?" Mary tried to get up but suddenly a shot of pain stirred up in her head and she lay back down again, her hand on her forehead.
"No no darling lay here, you've fainted again." Cora stroked Mary's hair and looked anxiously at the hospital where Matthew was..
"Can't we go back to summer time papa?" A small little girl shuffled at the foot of Matthew...
It was spring time, and they were knee high in long grass, in a meadow.. Daisies and wild flowers scattered across the, what seemed endless, field around them.
He looked down at the little girl quizzically, confused as to who she were.
She had crystal blue eyes, full of curiosity, and beautiful blonde ringlets which cascaded past her shoulders and stopped near the centre of her back.
A perfect, spotless white dress flowed down to just above her knees, looking overall bright and innocent.
"Who are you?" Matthew asked, still inspecting the young girl and looking around curiously.
"Take my hand."
The little girl placed her small hand in his and started to run through the meadow with him.
She was giggling..

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2015 ⏰

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