The late lawyer

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Mary waltzed down the stairs as she adjusted her soot black gloves and silver hair pin. She was always cautious of her appearance when in cousin Matthews company. She gracefully arrived at the bottom of the stairs and let Carson give her a cream, laced jacket and matching hat.
"Has cousin Matthew arrived yet, Carson?" She asked appearing casual about the matter when really she was quite eager to be whisked away by her rather charming blue eyed prince.
"Not yet m'lady," Carson replied suppressing a knowing smile.
"When mr Crawley does arrive please inform him I am in the library." She commented, already migrating towards the door, "and that he is late!" She called as she shut the door.
Sweeping into the library Mary recognised an unopened letter on the writing desk from a someone strallon. Curious, she ran her fingers across the note and pondered on whether to open it, it could be some information which she could use against Edith...
"Matthew Crawley, m'lady." Carson announced, making lady Mary jump and moving atleast a foot away from the intriguing note on the desk. The blond haired heir strode into the room boldly, "I do apologise for my poor punctuality," he began, laughing and pretending to be posh. "And so you should!" Mary replied sarcastically, already loving the charming lawyer who never failed to make her laugh.
"Can I make up for it by taking you for a spin in the car?"
Carson shifted uncomfortably at the door. He never approved of this lah-dee-dah lawyer inheriting his beloved lady Mary's money and Estate. He didn't even bow on entrance and his apology seemed somewhat improper. None the less Mary seemed to like him and so Carson was reasonably satisfied with the matter.
"What and get my new cream white jacket splattered with the mud you drive through?" Mary replied wittily, walking to the front door even as she said so. They disappeared through the grand entrance into the lovely spring morning, laughing, the last audible comment being
"Who said I drive through muddy puddles?" Obviously exclaimed by a mock insulted Matthew defending a subject in which he was clearly going to be proven wrong.
Carson shook his head smiling at the young lady and lawyer, laughing to himself as he shut the door behind them.

Meanwhile Edith was with rose shopping, and sighing..
"Oh but Edith I'm sure cousin Cora would approve!" Rose exclaimed, still persisting in buying the very risqué dress which she was holding up to her figure and posing with.
"Yes but rose, papa?" Edith asked, raising her brow as she said so.
"Oh, cousin Robert won't mind, after all I'm not committing a crime, I'm just buying a dress!" Rose stomped her foot in emphasis of how very important this dress was.
"A dress that shows half of your back and has a slit going up the side! Rose, these dresses are for girls going to night clubs and the rest of it! Not young ladies, yet to be presented, and expected to be wearing a nice frock to occasions and cocktail parties!" Edith was beginning to wish that it wasn't she who had offered to take rose shopping. Little had she known about rose's persistence in her queer choice of clothing, papa would hit the roof if she let rose bring that dress back. Well aware that Mary was probably with Matthew at the moment in some extravagant cafe, Edith sighed for the fifth time.
"I'm sure a night club would be more fun." Rose muttered fluttering off with the dress in pursuit of other absurd dresses.
"Oh Rose!" Edith moaned, waddling after her, burdened with the rest of Rose's fashion choice.

Some where in an elaborately decorated restaurant a chair was pulled back for a certain young lady..
"Oh Matthew you shouldn't have!" Mary exclaimed as she sat down and gazed around her favourite restaurant in wonder.
"It was worth it if I could impress lady Mary Crawley!" Matthew laughed, immensely enjoying Mary's shocked expression.
"And what is that meant to mean, pray?" She asked, smiling at Matthew's witty jokes. Matthew didn't reply as it was obvious Mary knew the answer.
The clinking of glasses and small talk filled the grand place, creating a warm but formal atmosphere. A slow classical piano piece accompanied the voices of waiters taking orders and the swinging doors leading into the kitchens. Sparkling chandeliers hung from the ornate ceiling and the walls were painted in a rich red, thus everything seemed to have a fiery glow, matching Mary's passionate feelings for Matthew.
"So, is there a reason for this elaborate outing?" Mary queried whilst the waiters placed grand canvases of food before them.
"There is," Matthew replied, a smile curling upon his face and also.. Was that a blush? "I wanted to tell you something.."
Mary looked away, also blushing even though she didn't know what he was going to say. She fiddled with her necklace and waited for his sentence to fall into the somewhat calmed atmosphere.
"I.." Matthew seemed to choke on his words. Mary looked up in anticipation. One look at the beautiful lady staring into his deep blue eyes was enough to push him on through his comment.
"I love you, lady Mary Crawley."

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