English weather upon the seas.

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Mary woke up the the sound of splashing water against the side of the ship.. As she became more conscious she could hear rain as well and the ship was swaying quite a lot.. She looked around.. My she was still in the dressing room! The last thing she noticed was that she was laying on Matthews bear chest. She smiled; it felt so natural. However she was cold and she shivered trying to pull the covers around her.
Matthew woke up and immediately deduced from the swaying, splashing and raining that they must be in a storm. Not a vicious storm, but a storm nevertheless. The next thing he noticed was that Mary was cold.
"Oh my darling, why didn't you say so?" He asked, concerned and he lifted her up out of the small dressing room bed and took her to the actual four poster bed. There he slipped in himself and pulled the covers all around him and Mary.
Mary smiled and then yawned.
"Why is this boat swaying so much?" She asked sleepily as she resumed her position on his chest again. He held her close and wrapped his arms around her. That was better.
"I think my darling, were in a storm.." He said rubbing his forehead still tired. Lady Mary had her eyes closed while she was talking, Matthew looked at her admiringly. Mary opened one eye as she had a feeling she was being watched. And right she was about that!
"What?" Mary asked as a smile crept across Matthew's face.
"Your so adorable when you sleep!" He said making Mary feel like a little girl.
"Oh Matthew!" She laughed getting one of the pillows and putting it on his face.
"Aww you look so adorable." Mary teased and he pretended to eat her by snuffling into her neck. The lady squealed and the lawyer laughed.
Of course they ended this play fight as the often did, they ended up kissing.
"M'lord? M'lady?" Mary gasped and pulled the covers right up to her chest; Matthew just laughed.
"Yes Anna?" Mary asked trying not to laugh even tho Anna ,Mosley and Matthew were laughing. Matthew put both his hands on his face and lay flat out on the bed chuckling. Mary threw another cushion at him.
"It's not funny!" She said ironically laughing.
"Sorry yes Anna?" Mary asked as she pulled her dressing gown around her shoulders and threw Matthew's gown on top of him; he was still laughing.
"M'lady," Anna bobbed a curtesy and recovered from her fit of giggles, "everyone has been asked to stay in their rooms as apparently the deck is unsafe. We will have to stay in here with you until tomorrow when hopefully the storm and rain has subsided." Anna stood there awkwardly wondering what lady Mary would think of classes mixing on their honey moon.
"Oh how fun! We can order room service and play cards and the rest!" Mary replied still play fighting with Matthew, she resolved to sitting on his stomach to stop him from talking. She was light and so Matthew just lay there with her sitting on top of her; until he decided to sit up and move her onto his lap instead.
"Yes! We may aswell make the most of it. No doubt Mary and I would have gotten into mischief today if we were left alone anyway." Matthew commented cheekily and Mary looked at him pretending to be shocked.
"What's that meant to mean?" Everyone fell about laughing again.

Rose woke up early. She was so so excited! She had arranged to meet the man she had journeyed to London to see previously. Apparently he loved her and wanted to be with her forever. Of course no one in this abbey would understand young love and so she decided she would slip away quietly then she didn't have to explain her pretend day routine to her suspicious family. She crept down the stairs after getting herself dressed and slipped down into the servants hall. From here she knew one of the doors lead to the courtyard and the courtyard meant a quiet escape. Which one of these doors it was, she had no idea. Thus the only logical way to solve this mystery was to open each and every one of them and see which led to daylight and a gateway to freedom. She carefully and silently pushed open the first door to her left. BANGG. Something fell from the top shelf and suddenly lots of little red and green balls were roaming free on the floor. After recovering from her shock, rose saw that the balls were actually apples. Oh! She must be in the storage cupboard or something. She laughed to herself and attempted to pick them up and put them back into the fallen crate. She didn't really have time for This however so she just quickly piled them in and left half a dozen rolling about on the floor.
"Mr Carson, did you hear that clatter?" Mrs Hughes asked in her traditional, High pitched Scottish accent. As soon as the bang had sounded she had journeyed to mr carson's room suspecting a thief had broken in.
"Yes I did," Carson replied still tired but loyal to his duties of protecting Downton from robberies. "Although what thief breaks into an abbey at dawn I don't know! Perhaps daisy dropped something." He quickly tied his dressing gown around him and opened his door out onto the corridor, Looking left and right before gingerly stepping out into the open. Mrs Hughes followed pre cautiously behind, watching carson's back.They ventured into the kitchen and the storage room caught carson's attention. Ahh, it must have been a young rascal, some chimney sweep no doubt, because in the storage room there were about about a dozen scattered apples on the floor.
"Mrs Hughes? Check the rest of the rooms to see if they stole anything other than food will you?" He asked and then huffed as he picked up the apples and places them neatly back in the crate.
Rose listened from outside the door and heard Carson and the house keeper searching the place. She dared not breathe unless she gave her position away.. Slowly she began to edge away, her heels disturbing the gravel, and when she thought she was out of ear shot she ran as fast as a lady could in heels and a dress.

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