An ancient city, a new love.

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The family all beamed as they waved goodbye to their beautiful Mary Crawley and her newly wed husband. The servants were lined up in an orderly fashioned and Carson had a handkerchief to his eye.
That little girl he catered for when she was young now finally had the prince that the nanny had read to her about.
Her castle was downton and what a fine and grand estate it was. Mrs Hughes smiled up at the, for once, sentimental butler. She knew he had a strange obsession with this lah de dah heiress and was sure this was probably the proudest moment of his life.
"Goodbye my wonderful darling. I wish you all the luck in the world." Cora kissed her beautiful daughter on both cheeks and held her at arms length, looking at her charming complexion. Cora had a tear in her eye as she said "and have fun!"
"Good luck to you boy! And if you do anything to prevent my daughters happiness you shall hear from me. Whether your in Rome or not." Robert laughed, teasing Matthew and shaking his hand vigorously.
"It'll be she hurting me, I'm sure!" Matthew laughed and watched the earl of Grantham step back infront of the estate that would one day be his.
"Well. Turns out it didn't matter you running about in leaves with a lawyer, since your married to him now." Edith said, trying to joke but still sounding annoying. Mary dismissed her sisters cheek and looked to her papa. She would miss him whilst she was away.
Everyone stepped back and waved as the engine revved and the car spun off down the drive to the docks.
"Oh my darling aren't they just so perfect!" Cora exclaimed happily running back into the open arms of her lovely husband.
"Quite so." He replied overwhelmed and he kissed Cora on the head.
The white car sped down the country lanes, white ribbons flying wildly upon it in the wind.
Matthew smiled at Mary. He was so so excited and still couldn't believe that they now could not be separated. And even more pleased that now, ALL things were permitted and he didn't have to feel guilty about anything he did.
Overwhelmed by this freedom Matthew broke the silence by leaning over and kissing mary, who was surprised at first but too happy to care. After all. All things were permitted!

They reached the docks and the chauffeur took their luggage on board.
Mary looked around like an excited puppy, she had never been allowed to go away to a foreign country with a man alone before. It was the first time she wouldn't be chaperoned by some footman or even her mama! Not that she didn't love or miss her mama, of course she did, but sometimes her relentless company was a bit much.

Matthew looked at his lovely wife as she spun around happily looking at everything. One would think she had never sailed before! He hoped she would not get ill on board the ship; he had a meal planned and had ordered musicians to accompany the event.
Everything was in tip top shape, they were in first class and In a beautiful ship. Joining arms they walked up the gangway and arrived at their cabin door.
Matthew, knowing his wife had an expensive taste, had spared no expense and paid for the most extravagant cabin they had on board. It was almost as grand as the abbey itself. The ceiling was painted in gold and light blue and the walls were a beautiful cream. Everything was designed to match the sea theme and so most things were blue with a slight tint of gold to represent the sun shining on the rippling sea. Even the duvet on the 4 poster bed was a shade of blue. Everything was most magnificent and colour co-ordinated.
Matthew wanted to show Mary that there was nothing he wouldn't do to please her, even if it was booking a cabin that was the most grand and also her favourite colour. As far as he was concerned she deserved all of it and even on the stormy seas should be treat like the queen that she was. On the side table was an invitation to the restaurant on the top floor that was in sort a penthouse. Their date was at 7 o'clock and so they would be able to see the stars as they dined.
Now hopefully as lady Mary walked in she would think everything was perfect but Matthew couldn't help but worry when they got to The door.

Back in the abbey ,Isobel and Cora talked about how strange it was to not have their children around. Of course because their daughter and son were now married they were sisters in law; which was something they could easily get used to.
"It's funny," Isobel said in between sipping her tea in the abbey's library, "one of the first things Matthew said when he got here was 'they're clearly going to push one of their daughters at me.' It appears that we didn't need to push Mary towards him, he was drawn to her in an instant!" Isobel and Cora laughed as Robert came in with Edith.
"Has anyone seen rose and Sybil?" Robert asked sitting down opposite his wife and Isobel.
"No darling, neither have come in here." Cora replied still finishing her tea.
"I hope neither are up to anything they shouldn't be." Edith laughed and sat down with the ensemble. She looked out of the window wondering how Mary and Matthew were doing. Or more what they were doing.

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