Dont give up Ch.10

Start from the beginning

"You don't mean that." I whispered heart broken.

"But I do Faith I would have been better off with out you. You let me down." He roared charging at me with his claws out. He slashed my stomach open before punching me in the throat. Looking up at him I coughed up blood chocking on my own blood I collapsed to the ground.

(End Of Nightmare)

Yelping I sat up crying to myself. Looking out towards my window I noticed it was slowly becoming dawn. I turned on my side to see Liam looking at me wide eyed. Concern clear on his face.

"Faith I saw what happened. I don't know how but I did everything is going to be ok." He whispered pulling me to his chest. Tears ran down my face soaking his gray shirt. He pulled us back towards the bed him holding me protectively in his arms. Sobbing softly in his arms I grabbed a fist full of his shirt. My loud sobs slowly started to turn into soft sniffles. Lifting my head up I looked at his shirt to see a big wet spot on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry I got your shirt wet." I said softly.

"It's ok I don't even like this shirt anyway." He stated staring directly into my eyes His gaze soft.

"I like that shirt on you it shows off your sexy body." I bluntly said. My eyes widened at what I said my face heating up under his gaze. Quickly I hid my head in his chest. My head was lifted up so that I was looking into Liam's gorgeous blue eyes.There was a soft smile on his face.

"Hey don't hide your face from me I like seeing you blush. And you think I look sexy in this shirt?" He questioned smirking at me.

"Maybe but I think I would rather have it off." I stated bluntly yet again. What the hell is wrong with me. Smirking at me he started to pull off his shirt. Grabbing the bottom of his shirt I pulled it back down.

"I'm sorry I don't know what I am saying." I quickly said. Turning around so my back was facing him I rested my head on my pillow.

"We have school tomorrow lets just get some sleep." I whispered softly. Pulling the covers back up to my chest. Arms wrapped around my waist and I was pulled towards Liam's chest.

"I think you look sexy to in your wolf pajamas." I giggled softly before I slowly drifted off into darkness.

Groaning I woke up to the sound of laughter. Owning my eyes I came face to face with three children. All smiling innocently. Narrowing my eyes at each of them I turned back to face Liam.

"Liam-." One look at his face and I burst out laughing so hard I thought I was going to pass out. There was a sketched out big unibrow and a big mustache on his face. But what makes it ever worse is that is the kids also sketched out a goatee. I laughed so hard I fell right off my bed.

"Oh my Llamas that is so funny and wow." I laughed. A groan startled the four of us. I halted my laughter a little bit scared of how Liam would react. Quickly I stood up only to trip on the sheets and fall to the ground taking my whole comforter with me. Yelping I waited for my body to connect with the hard wood floor, but it never came. Opening my eyes I noticed I was what I am guessing a centimeter away from the ground. My eyes widened when I was turned around to. I looked at Liam wide eyed he gave me a soft smile. I just stared at him in shock until I noticed his smile made all of his new sketched out features even more funny. I bursted out laughing yet again. Liam pulled me back up onto the bed and gave me a very confused look. I looked at the kids to see they where having the same reaction as me. I picked up my phone to check what time it was. Shit.

"Alright you guys go get ready I have to register all three of you hooligans into school today. So go get dressed please." I demanded hopping out of bed this time not falling. Chuckling at Liam's face I went into my closet to pick out an outfit for today. Smiling I grabbed my ripped skinny jeans and a green day tee-shirt. And my lady undergarments. Quickly changing I walked towards my bathroom. I did my morning things. I could feel a warm presence behind me. Smiling slightly I waited for it to set in.

Wait for it....1.....2......3

"Faith what the hell is on my face!" Raising my hands innocently I burst into a fit of giggles. Chuckling I walked towards the stairwell that lead down into the kitchen. The kids where all dressed Seth was at the stove trying to make pancakes for everyone.

"Does anyone know where Klaus is?" I questioned. Looking around for the Other Hybrid.

"I'm in here doing a painting love." He called from the art room. Smiling I walked into the art room he still had the bed hair look. Walking up to him I looked at his canvas. Smiling softly I noticed it was Elija and Rebecca standing next to him. All three of them where smiling. Looking back down at Klaus I wrapped my arms pulling him into a soft hug. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me close to him.

"I'm sorry Klaus but I have to go to high school and I also have to enroll the kids this morning." I sadly said rubbing his back soothingly. Nodding his head he pulled away from me before returning back to his canvas. Sighing I made my way back into the kitchen. Walking over to the kids I smiled softly at them.

"Liam if you want a ride to school you better get your butt down here now." I yelled up the stairs. I could hear the sound of heavy feet racing down the stairs. A burning smell reached my nose. Crinkling my nose in disgust I turned around to find a pancake lit on fire while Seth was trying to blow it out. Rolling my eyes I walked over to the fire extinguisher in the corner of the kitchen. I pushed Seth out of the way. Putting pressure on the tigger I pushed hard watching as the pancake that was on fire go out all that was left was a burnt pancake. I placed the extinguisher back in its holder. Seth gave me a sheepish smile Rolling my eyes I gave him a soft smile in return. Looking at the clock on the wall my eyes nearly bulged out of my head.

"Alright kids instead of you going to the school I was hopefully going to enroll you into I think you are just going to be coming to school with us today. I would leave you hear with Klaus but he is not going to be able to handle you little Llamas." I stated quickly ushering my pack into the garage. Looking around at my cars I decided on my four door black jeep. Sighing I grabbed the keys on the key hanger. I rushed everyone into their seats before pulling out of the garage.

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