Chapter 1: The Dream

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Don't do it Robin. Don't do it. I practially screamed in my head. I looked at all the food in the pantry. Not this time, I couldn't take anything. I couldn't afford for yet another beating. Or worse, a scarring. The people that took "care" of me, were not my parents, but some friends my parents gave me to when I was born. They couldn't afford to take care of me, so they just wrapped me in a blanket, and shoved me in a mailbox. Not literally, but that's what it felt like.

I've lived here for 15 years.  My job was to clean, make breakfast lunch and dinner, drive the kids to school, (With a fake license these rich slobs paid for) and any other tasks that needed to be done. It was important I called them "Mr and Mrs. Cranberry", instead of calling them by their real names. The kids were their real kids. All freaking 4 of them.

The kids were Jason, Samantha, Andrew, and the worst of all, Francis. Jason and Samantha were twins, and they both were 10. Andrew was 8, and  that little demon names Francis was 4. What a bunch. They got whatever they wanted, whined about what they didn't have, and made a mess of everything they came near. 

They all had perfect blond hair, sky blue eyes, and fair skin. Much better than I. Jason and Samantha threatened to tell "mommy and daddy" that I hit them if I didn't do what they said. One day I was going to smack the shit out of them.  Andrew was a chubby man child, that though I was a stripper. And Francis, he screamed, kicked, pushed, and crapped his pants. You think a 4 year old would know what a toilet was. Idiot. 

I looked back at the pantry. It was filled with hundreds of recipie books, and mostly food.Delicious food. I especially loves oreos. I loved them with a burning passion. I would walk the earth to have some. So why couldn't I just steal one little cookie? Damn me. If Jack and Marissa found out... 

I grabbed the oregano, pasta, and red sauce, and quickly walked out of the pantry and shut the door. Im not good at fancy food names. But I try. Tonight was simple, I had to make spaghetti with oregano, and red sauce. Yay.  

Coming out from the pantry led to a huge kitchen. And by huge, I mean not just a microwave oven, I mean a full size pizza oven. The whole thing was half the size of my house. In the center of the oval shapes room, was a large table for cutting meat, veges, and whatever. And to the far left was the doorway, which led to the dining room. More like the dining house, it was meant for parties. Usually trained chefs used the kitchen. But tonight I had to cook. And at parties, I was the waitress. 

Andrew was a real man child, and he was the reason I wore such skimpy little outfits.  I swear the kid watches porn on his free time. Right now I was wearing the average playboy maid costume. Well, maybe not that extreme, but for a girl that wears ripped up jeans, sneakers, and t-shirts, thats slutty. 

My normal outfit was a french maid type thing. It had a poofy, short skirt that barely covered my ass. Poofy sleeves, a low cut chest area, and the dress didn't cover my chest, unless I wore the white ruffle thing under it. Which was MANDATORY in y book. Yes, i am not a slutty maid. Just a girl who is forced to wear a skimpy maid outfit by an 8 year old man child. Me-ow. 

I dumped the spaghetti in a pot of boiling water, set the timer for 5 mins, and dumped oregano in it. Then I stepped to the side, and bent down to take of my black baby doll shoes, and knee high net stockings with red bows at the top.  But as I got to my right shoe, Andrew walked in, and yelled, "OH BABY, A STRIP SHOW? FOR ME?!" Thank god everyone was in the living area. Or as I called it ,The one roomed house. It had everything from slat screens, to 20,000 dollar couches. 

"ANDREW!" I yelled with disgust.

"what babe? I just wanted to, you know." He scooted closer to me. "give you something special. 

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