Human Extinction

230 17 10

Prompt:  The human species has gone extinct thousands of years ago.  Extraterrestrial explorers find a sample of human DNA and decide to resurrect the species once again.  You are the first human growing up in a completely alien society.


"Go on, try again," Said Urgle, motioning to the stick on the table. Though humans had died on earth millennia ago, trees had flourished in their absence, and there was no shortage of sticks.

"I'm telling you, it's not going to work," I said, holding my hands up. The words came out rough, not smooth land flowing like Urgle's, which he said was due to me having vocal chords and not vocal pipes like them.

Urgle waved a blue hand, nearly transparent such that veins formed shadows in the flesh, and spoke again.

"The eight surviving documentaries we have say it took much practice. I don't think you understand the significance of this. With the power in these," Urgle held up a bunch of sticks, each as long as my forearm, with feathers, hairs, and other objects tied to them, "We could revolutionize society. We could defeat our enemies! We brought you back to life for this purpose, and you show no gratitude. Do you need to see the video documentary again to see how it's done?"

Behind Urgle, a second being poised to push a disk into an old metal box connected to a screen.

"No, no. I've seen it enough times." I said. I guess I should be grateful. They had chosen to resurrect me out of billions of other samples.

"You did it in your past life, you can do it again, Daniel. You are the chosen one. " Said Urgle, putting a hand on my back, leaving an mark of slime in my shirt.

"Got it," I said, took up a new stick, and repeated the documentary's instructions in my mind.

Swish and flick. It's LeviOsa, not LevioSa.

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