Chapter Four: Idaho.

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Chapter Four: Idaho.

   The truck Humphrey and Kate had been put in by the Park Rangers sped through the darkness, getting further and further away from the wolves territory. After a while they were moved, still unconcious, onto a plane and flown miles and miles to the south, where they were again loaded onto a truck and their journey continued. . . .

    It wasn't until mid-morning the next day that the truck finally hit a rock that awoke Kate." Ah!" She winced and stood up, where was she? What was she doing? Confusion filled her mind as she frantically tried to turn around in the hard little box she had been put in, with only a few little vents to let air in." Where am I?" She asked aloud, trying to twist farther.

    Suddenly she heard a groan, and as the truck slammed into another rock her cage was thrown against another one." Humphrey?" She heard another groan." Is-is that you?"

    "Kate!" Humphrey called back, clanging his cage around as he stood." Where are we?" He asked sleepily.

    "I don't know!" She replied worriedly.

    "Oh." Humphrey said weakly." Maybe we're dead." Just that instant the truck bounced off of another rock sticking up out of the road and the cages were slammed violently together." Nope, definintely not dead." Humphrey groaned again.

    Kate winced too as he banged her shoulder into the side of her cage. Suddenly an idea occured to her, and she threw all her weight into the side of the cage, there was a satisfying jerk and it slammed into Humphrey's cage with a clang.

    "Kate!" Humphrey said." What are you doing!" He winced again as her cage slammed into his, and again as it hit his again.

    "Trying to get out!" She replied angrily. With a yell she knocked her cage back and forth so hard it almost fell over, and then as it came back, it slammed into Humphrey's cage, and thus Humphrey.

   He yelped in pain." Whoah! Calm down!" He said." Look, maye they're taking us to where there's more food!" Quite important.

    Kate sighed again." Or maybe we are the food!" She said, standing up again and readying for another shove.

    Humphrey realized she might be right. A bit of fear caught hold of him, he nodded to her, though she couldn't see him." Oh, Kate! You're right! Fight! Fight! Fight, fight figh!"

    It wasn't until a while later that the car stopped and Humphrey felt his cage move. He froze, wincing at his bruised body, not saying anything.

    "All right!" He heard a voice outside of the cage say as he felt a final jolt." Set em free!"

   He frowned, but instantly knew he'd heard right as light flooded his cage. He didn't hesitate, the instant he saw his chance he leaped up and jumped forward, running as hard as he could, the humans final." Look at em go!" Echoing in his ears.

    He didn't stop to look about him, only vaugely aware of Kate running beside him, until he felt grass brushing against his legs, and saw a cliff fall before him. He froze and looked around, smiling, it felt good to, well, not-be-eaten. Kate, standing a couple feet in front of him, took a deep breath." Wow! This isn't Jasper."

   Massive, snow covered mountains rose in the distance, mountains that made those of Jasper look tiny! Behind them spread a deep, dark, ancient forest, alive with birds. Below them was a thick pine forest with a small grassy clearing along the border under the cliff.

    "Yeah, but it sure does -." Humphrey suddenly spotted something and yelped." Rock!" Leaping to the side just in time to aviod a small stone as it whistled by.

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