The Turning Point

Start from the beginning

"Think about it. The kind of exposure and learning you will get from this group. I myself was a part of such group. And it was best days of life. Believe me," she implored earnestly.


"This is just an audition. If you will get select or not, is a different part altogether." She reasoned.

That made me really think about it. After all, it was just an audition. There had to be other major dancers who would be auditioning. I might not get selected. Next few weeks, Donna choreographed a routine for me for the audition. It required lot amount of energy. There was lot of pirouetting, jumping and spinning in the air.

She pushed me to do more, not only technically, but emotionally. I had to put all my emotions on the song 'Fix you.' But she was cheerful after the end result. She was also going to accompany me to the auditions to Kingston University, which was located in surrey.

I had to bunk school today, as the auditions were going to be in the morning itself. With hour long drive, I had to make sure to get out of the house by 7, just in case. The major trouble was lying to parents, they were bound to get suspicious, I thought.

Baba was sitting on the overcrowded dining table, with his morning news-paper spread in front of him.

"You know Sudha, girls these days have no shame whatsoever. Actually no it's not their fault. Here parents of such kids are ignorantly foolish, to let them loose," Baba snorted looking through the rims of his glasses.

"What happened ji?" my mother's asked him, stirring the kettle of tea.

"See those pictures, Indian girls clad in scant clothes, what they call them, yes shorts. Getting cozy in front of camera with the goras. No shame! They will put the stigma on the families!" He barked showing the paper to mother's way. I gulped, I swung the bag pack, and started leaving through the door, without making any noise.

"Shashi!" my father called out, sliding his chair to the side to look at me. "Where do you think you are going this early in the morning?"

"I.. I have an extra class today. So.. You know the exams are near," I mumbled uncertainly.

"What about your grades? Last two exams you didn't score well!" I didn't knew his need to start the conversation now. "Are you really studying? Or befriending those goras?"

"No baba." I nervously licked my lip. "I am going to the extra maths class." Another invented lie!

"Don't strand her now, ji. It's a bad omen!" My mother interjected. "Go beta!"

I nodded and without a backward glance I left.

After walking for couple of blocks, I saw Donna, in her car. "Took you long! Come on, let's get going!"

I climbed in her car, nervously fidgeting my hair.

"You know I have got you a very dramatic dress for the routine. Everything should go perfectly." She said, putting her feet on a gas paddle, speeding out of London.

"You don't have to. You are already doing so much for me." I hated when I had to take favors from anyone. I always felt that I owe a lot to them. First Sabrina, and then Donna.

She ignored and handed me the bag. I was thunderstruck. It was Blue green colored long satin dress, with cuts that would allow my free movements. I imagined myself wearing and dancing on the beautiful dress, and a smile stayed on my face till we hit Surrey.

We waited for our turn, as we sat on the auditorium, so big and beautiful. The dancers performed exquisitely showing their maturity in their movements. As I waited for my turn behind a very tall blond girl, my heart started beating furiously. I was jerked out of my state of mind, when I felt a hand on my shoulders. I turned and saw Dan smiling at me. I simply couldn't believe my eyes.

"We came here to support you!" he said.

"We?" Then I saw Evie standing behind me, awkwardly waving at me. When I smiled, she came forward and hugged me weakly.

"I am sorry Shashi! I was just so mad at you. I should have listened to your apology. Except the fact that it was not your fault." I looked at Daniel. "No it was not his fault too! But it really sucked. Not because I loved Dan, because I really loved him. But because you had got his attention. I hated it. But no.. don't cry, you will spoil your makeup. I got over it, and I will always be your friend!"

As she blabbered, the tears came streaming from my eyes, which she tried dabbing with her small handkerchief. "Thank you."

"I will get down now. I have to see you perform." While she left she nudged Dan towards me. What did she meant by that?

"Shashi, I will be waiting for you. Whenever you will be ready to be with me. These past days, I don't know, how I was holding up. I missed you!" He murmured, still standing a foot away from me. Though I felt the tension between us. A tension which was screaming to close the distance. I took a long breath, and took a step forward. Uncertainly I hugged him, burying my face in his chest. And an overwhelming sigh left my lungs, taking all my nervousness away!

And then my name was called. "Next here is Ms...mmm.. Ms. Shaashee Dixhit!"

**Guys and Gals, its last but one chap!! I am really excited! I hope to get some attention of the #Justwriteit team for this short story. Wish me luck!

PS: Last chapter may come in few hours from now!!

PPS: Gora means a British in Hindi..**

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