Chapter Twenty-Two

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A/N - Hey guys and welcome to Chapter Twenty-Two. Hannah's outfit ^^^^^

----- Hannah's P.O.V -----

The concerts have been so much fun lately, I think after coming back from being away from both the lads and the tour the concerts are more fun because I missed them so much. I was never the performer, Zayn was the one that loved to do things for other people but on occasion I did perform with him and I enjoyed that but being able to perform with him practically every night is definitely better in my eyes. If anyone enjoys performing I would encourage them with everything I had to go for it and do what they want because great things can come as a result.

Today is Niall's birthday; I can't believe it's his birthday already. I have been planning for his birthday for a while and I am glad to say that Niall doesn't have a clue about any of it. I have a feeling that's because whenever I have been planning stuff Niall is asleep. I just sit up in bed whilst he has his arm around my waist sleeping. I have managed to find a venue in which the owner doesn't mind closing it off all day as I don't want any of the boys to get mobbed. I am proud of what I have planned, only Liam is in on all of this because I knew that he wouldn't tell anyone and he has helped me with contacting some people.

I wake up before Niall, which isn't unusual, and I climb out of bed. I go into the little living room that we have in the massive hotel suite and Liam is awake which is good because I can talk to him. Liam sees me and smiles "Hey there" he says hugging me "Hi. I just want to check things over with you real quick" I say and he nods "By all means" he says and I giggle "When are they arriving?" I ask and he checks his phone "At 12pm, I am picking them up then and meeting you and everyone else at the alley at 12:30" he says and I nod "Yep. Are you going to get them all in your car?" I ask and he shrugs "I hope so. If not then I will call Paul" he says.

I go back to the bunks and see Niall waking up. I kneel down by his bunk and kiss his cheek. He rolls over and opens his eyes "Morning Birthday Boy" I say and he chuckles "Happy Birthday too" I say and he kisses me "Thanks Princess" he says getting out of the bunk "Do I get a proper kiss?" he asks and I shrug as I step closer to him "I don't know, it's your birthday" I say and he pulls me into him "Well then" he says kissing me before I have the chance to say anything back to him.

Niall goes into the kitchen after getting changed and all the others are getting changed in the bunk room so I go to the bathroom to get change. I change into black leggings, a long denim shirt with rolled up sleeves, burgundy distressed boots and a burgundy silk headband that's knotted at the side. I go back into the living room and pull out my phone, I scroll through my photos until I find a cute one of Niall. It's from when he played golf whilst we were on a break and I went with him so I got the picture. I open up Instagram and post the picture with the caption 'Happy Birthday to my Irish man. Can't believe you're 22 and I love you so much, have a great day Ni x @niallhoran'. I see Niall go on his phone and he looks to me "Explain why you're so cute" he says kissing my nose "That isn't something I can just explain" I say making him laugh.

We have just gotten to the bowling alley that I hired out for the whole day. Niall didn't know, as I said earlier, so right now he has a blindfold on.

----- Niall's P.O.V -----

I don't know what Hannah has planned; she is the type of girl that will do anything for anyone she cares about. I have had a feeling that she's been planning something for a while now, she thinks I don't notice her on her phone at times plus I think Liam is in on all of this which is understandable because Liam is helpful with those types of things. He can be trusted not to tell anyone and he doesn't crack under pressure which is so annoying when you want him to tell you something and no matter what you do he just won't tell you.

I feel Hannah grab my hand and within minutes she stops walking which causes me to stand still. She loosens the blindfold at the back of my head so that it falls off my eyes. I see all the lads, apart from Liam which is weird, and Uncle Si stood behind Hannah with smiles on their faces "SURPRISE" they all shout. I take this moment to look around and I find myself smiling a rather big smile when I realise where we are, we are at a bowling alley and I already know this is going to be amazing because there is no one else here so we can do whatever we want basically and not have to worry about press.

Hannah takes my hand "There's something else Ni" she says turning me around. My mouth drops when I see my Mum, Greg, Denise and Theo stood with Liam. I immediately go to my Mum who hugs me "Who got you here?" I ask still in disbelief "Hannah arranged it" Denise says and I turn to Hannah "Really?" I ask and she nods "Yeah, I know you've been missing them so I thought you would want to see them on your birthday" she says. I run over to her and twirl her around in a hug "I love you so much" I say making her giggle "You have a keeper Bro" Niall says and I look to Hannah "I know I do" I say.

I can't even explain how amazing this day has been, I have come to the conclusion that my girlfriend is pretty amazing and she is the sweetest person on Earth. She flew my family out here just so that they could spend my birthday with me, not many girls would do that and it has confirmed the fact that I never want to let her go for as long as I live. To add to the amazingness of my girlfriend, my nephew completely adores her and he isn't like that with just anyone so I know that she is the girl for me.

I open up Instagram on my phone and find a picture from earlier today. My arms are around Hannah's waist as I am on her left and her arms are around my waist too but I am kissing her cheek so you can't really see my face however Hannah is smiling her beautiful smile and her hair is draping down her side. I have a looker and she means practically everything to me, she doesn't even realise how happy she makes me and this day has just showed that she wants to make me happy I guess. I wouldn't change a thing about her because you can't change perfection.

'@niallhoran: This girl has made my birthday so amazing. I am the luckiest guy out there to have this girl by my side. I can't say how much I love her because there isn't enough time for me to type all that out. In short, I am in love with the girl in the picture and I know I always will be. Today just made me even more certain of my love for her. Never change Princess xxx'


That was Chapter Twenty-Two, hope you liked it and this chapter is a little longer than usual considering I took a little while to update.

Any opinions you guys have please tell me in the comments.

Thanks for reading.

Till the next chapter......

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