Chapter 3: When Myths Come Alive (Part 1)

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Before either of you can utter another word, a sudden rattling resounds from the far end of the steam-filled room, followed by an eerie creaking, making both you and Ellison jump. Squinting into the hazy expanse, you could barely make out the silhouette of a person through the slowly-thinning steam clouds entering the room and waving their arms in front of them as they stood in an open doorway.

Not a second later, the newcomer bangs the door shut behind them and stumbles in your general direction, yelling in disbelief, "Eli, what the heck is going on?!"

- *le gasp* It's Mr. Mostly B's! 8D (A)
- ^Say what now? -.o *has forgotten the last chapter and its results* (B)
- ^A new guy has been introduced! :D And about time, too! ಠ_ಠ (D)
- Ooh, I wonder what he's like? :3 (C)

The person the query is aimed at visibly stiffens as he glances at you, wide-eyed, before turning away to face the stranger. Yet again running a hand through his hair, Ellison discretely moves in front of you as if attempting to conceal your form behind his taller frame. "Oh, dear..." he mumbles, as he stares into the haze in front of him apprehensively, his hand now rubbing at the back of his neck.

After a few awkward attempts at striking what seems like a casual looking pose, and finally settling with his hands on his hips, Ellison clears his throat and, sounding quite unsure of himself, calls out to the newcomer. "N-Nander! You're back! How... how was your day?"

- Ohh, so that's his name~ I like his name~ 83 (C)
- ^I don't know... It sounds a bit strange... >w> (A)
- ^This is a WWFFY, the guys are meant to have strange names. -w- (D)
- ^Is no one else concerned about Ellison acting the way he is? D: (B)

Meanwhile, you stand behind him, peering over his broad shoulders and observe the events unfolding in front of you with a small frown, wondering whether to be amused or concerned by the redhead's strange behaviour. Nander? Is he a friend of Ellison's? But then why would he be so nervous?

Yes, you were still mad at the fact that Ellison had been spouting nonsense only minutes ago, and more than a little afraid that he may have been telling the truth, but you were also curious about the identity of the newcomer. Not to mention, you now have an idea of where the exit to the laboratory is located and the newcomer's presence is just the sort of distraction that would allow you to make your escape, and possibly seek medical attention to cure you of your temporary insanity afterwards.

Because that is the only logical explanation to what's happening at the moment: insanity. But temporary, of course.

Nander now stood directly in front of Ellison, and for the first time since he entered the room, you finally manage to catch a clear glimpse of his face under the bright lights; his complexion is that of someone who rarely spends time in the sun, the neat dark hair framing his angular face only emphasizing that fact.

- Ugh. Please don't tell me he's a vampire... ಠ_ಠ (D)
- ^He can't be! This is... this is a steampunk WWFFY! D: (B)
- ^Maybe he's just pale because that's how he is? -.- (C)
- Let me just take this moment to say, I love dark-haired guys. =w= (A)

A few stray locks fall over his sharp brown eyes and he angrily brushes them back with a gloved hand - fingerless, unlike Ellison's - and glares at the redhead in front of you with an intensity that makes you feel a little happy to be out of his sight. "How was my day? How was my day? Well, I spent almost the entire day going all over the place, trying to find the last bits and pieces for this stupid machine, and then I come back to find this! What the heck have you been doing here?" he all but yells, stretching his arms wide and motioning to the entirity of the room, the pitch of his tone rising with every word.

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