Chapter 1: Unexpected Things

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"Okay, _____, make sure you get everything on that list. And don't take too long or I'll get worried."

- Ooh, are we going shopping? :3 (B)
- I hate grocery shopping. >w> (C)
- Psh, forget the list, I'll just buy a tonne of tasty snacks! >:D (A)
- Don't tell me what to do! Dx Who are you, anyway? e.o (D)

"Yes, ma'am," you drawl while stretching your arms lazily and suppressing a yawn - it was far too early in the morning to be motivated. Throwing the strap of a satchel over your shoulder, you open the door to set off, only to be stopped halfway.

"And don't talk to strangers! Remember, stranger-danger!"

Letting out a sigh, you roll your eyes. "You don't have to remind me every single time I walk out the door, you know."

"Yeah, but sweets can be very tempting, you know," your sister replies matter-of-factly while nodding to herself in an all-knowing fashion.

You stare at her blankly, wondering what the heck was going on inside her head. "Sure, that makes perfect sense... Well, I'm off now! See you later, Willa!" And with a quick wave and a smile, you were off.

- I have a sister? :D (C)
- I like our sister, she's amusing. xD (D)
- Psh, Willa? What kind of lame name is that? >.> (A)
- ^Don't be rude! >:/ Besides, it's the person that matters, not the name. ^^ (B)

Early as it may have been, it was a lovely Saturday morning and you look forward to taking a leisurely stroll to the market place. The road that leads to your destination is lined on either side by beautiful wild flowers, their sweet fragrance wafting around in a gentle breeze; the sky is bright blue with puffs of cloud floating around just as lazily as you had felt when you had woken up that morning.

Yes, a perfect day.

Letting out a content sigh you gaze up at the clouds. If only every day was like this, you muse to yourself as you continue down the road, a small smile tugging at your lips.

It was then that it happened - you were walking down a small back alley not far from the market when something suddenly flew past your head and clattered down on to the road in front of you, slowing to a stop as it skittered into a shallow puddle with a dull 'clink'.

Startled, you jump back with a squeak, arms waving around your head like a mad octopus - not like that would have helped your situation if you had been in any form of danger, but the body does do crazy things when one is subjected to unexpected things.

- *le gasp* What is it? D: (B)
- For your information, I do not 'squeak'. -.- (A)
- ^And I most certainly do not wave my hands around, I quote, 'like a mad octopus'! D:< (D)
- Is someone trying to kill me?! D8 (C)

A moment of silence passes as you stand frozen in place and stare at the gentle ripples that had formed on the murky surface. Lowering your arms warily, you put a trembling hand over your chest to slow your racing heart and cautiously look left and right, wondering if whomever was responsible for carelessly throwing the object your way was still nearby. Not another soul was in sight; not many people passed this way and when they did, it was usually later in the day.

Unsure of what weird things might leap out, you slowly creep towards the puddle and lean over it when you see something glimmering in the light of the morning sun, just below the surface of the water. Inching closer with wide eyes and your mouth slightly ajar, you gaze at the shiny spherical object as you crouch lower, carefully reaching out towards it when the thing suddenly lets out a small click and opens up, revealing a clock face.

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