Chapter 1: Dillusional

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5 years later

"Treyvon!" I yelled upstairs to my 5 year old son

"Yes mommy" He answer answered appearing at the top of the steps

We lived in a pent house in Los Angeles, California I moved here after I graduated high school, Im now 20 when the suns up I got my own clothing line called Jordyn's Journey and I'm also I model, but I'm not really big in that just yet. So when the suns down on weekends I strip at a club called skylights just to provide for me and my son so we can both have what we need and what we want. But at the end of the day he always comes first and I want to give him the best.

"Come eat baby" I placed his plate on the table as he came running down the stairs

Treyvon is my world hes the only one I strive for. He doesnt start kindergarten until next year because of his age even though he'd turning 6 soon

So while I'm working I have a nanny, Yazmine, who loves him like a younger brother. She stays with us every weekend and I'm grateful for her. She is 18 and needed some extra  cash so I did so background checks and  hired her and she been working with me for years. Honestly I look at her as a little sister

I made my plate and sat down next to my son, we said grace then started eating

"How was your day sweety" I asked him and he swallowed his food before answering me

"Fun" He shrugged and stuffed more food in his mouth

Moments like these I treasure becuase there a chance in a couple years where he won't want to sit at a table and eat dinner with me because he rather be out with his friends

"Just fun" I asked slightly laughing and he nodded his head not taking his eyes off his plate

After we were done I stacked our plates together and put them in the washer hearing Treyvon coming up behind me

"Mommy can I watch TV" he asked and I turned around and folded my arms

"Did you read or write your name in your book"

He put his head down "no"

"Go do that, then you can watch some cartoons"

His face lit up "OK" he ran up stair to get start

I chuckled and shook my head at his enthusiasm. I wanted my kid to be smart and not struggle like some kids that dont want to pick up a book or do there homework every night.

I cleaned up the kitchen and sat in the couch grabbing the remote and flipping through the channels. It wasn't long before Treyvon came running down the steps

"Done" He places the pencil and work book in my lap and climbs next to me waiting for feedback

I rewardes him for writung his name then corrected some if his answers for the reading and math part

After doing that I turned his favorite cartoon on Spongebob.


"Aight I'll kept up with you niggas later" I said walking out the building and gettung into my car and drivung to my house

"Shit" I mumbled to myself while plopping on the bed, I was tired as hell

I have been in studio today working on some new music and I finally get some air

Dont get me wrong I love what I do but being in a studio for 6 hours a day in exusting

I ended up taking a shower and falling asleep as soon as my head hit the damn pillow


The next morning was a rush and a half. I woke up late and jumped out of bed and went into Treyvons room waking him up

"Get ready baby, mommy's going to jump in the shower"

He nods still half asleep and his eyes close tying to get his ballence so he can walk to the bathroom

I laughed to my self as he tried to get his self together

I walked back to my room and stripping out my cloths and getting in the shower

Half an your later I was clean and lotioned up also doing my other hygienes

I threw on my pink addias sweatsuit grabbed my Nike book bag and jogged down the stairs seeing treyvon sitting in the couch coloring in his notebook

"Hows Micky D's sound" He grins giving me a sign that he wanted that for breakfast

We rushed out the house getting in my red Range Rover then I pulled off, got breakfast then headed towards Trey's preschool.

Then I was on my way to my photo shoot

I walked in the door greeting everybody on my way to my room

"Hi do you know where Jordyn Taylor room is" I asked some random person walking down the hall

"About 6 doors down" She pointed down the hall and I signed

"Thanks" I said then started to walk

When I got there I saw everything set up which made me smile

I walked into the dressing room so the people can get me ready, to day I'm modeling for Gucci, which is so exiting.


After my interview this morning I picked up my car and got in drivng down the road for my photo shoot

I got to the building and walked in and started searching for my room. I was scamming the rooms searching for my name

I stopped in my tracks after seeing the name Jordyn Taylor


"Bruh you even listening to me" Ray (old friend) said to me trying to get my attention, but I was to focused on this girl I saw walking past me

He turned and looked in the direction I was looking in

"I call dibs" Ray said starting to stand up but I pushed him back down

"Sit your ass down man"

Walking over to the girl and shoving my hands into my pocket and she looked up at me when she recognized my presents

"Can I help you" She smiled, I swear she had the most beautiful smile I ever saw

"I'm tremaine" I licked my bottom lip and she held out her hand and I shook it

"Jordyn, Jordyn Taylor"

*Flashback end*

"Trey you cool dude" My manager asked me putting his hand on my shoulder which snapped me out my thoughts and I realized I was still standing in the same spot

"Yea yea, I'm cool"

"Aight let's get this done then"

After I was done the shoot my mind was all the way fucked up. I just could not get Jordyn out my head at all, I might have looked focus, but I was defiantly far from it

I haven't seen this girl for years I honestly thought I would never see her again and I knew for a fact she would kick my ass if she sees my face, now I'm seeing her name on a door

When I got myself together to leave I thought about walking into the door with her name and see if it was just a misunderstanding but when I walk by her name was gone

I have no idea how that made me feel but... i dont know maybe I'm just being dillusional

-----------------------------------------------------------FIRST CHAPTER

feeling good about it, let me know what you guys think

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