It's unbelievable!

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Adam's POV

"My name's Holly. Holly Joy." The girl responded. Wait. Her name's Holly? Isn't she the girl I'm meant to be taking out for a bit after?

I ignored that fact and just responded with "well nice to meet you Holly. Should we go back and get ready to perform now?"

I waited for her respond and she rubbed the back of her head. "Yeah sure. Come on." So we both walked back and most people had sat down but there were still a few kids standing up. Holly went and sat down and I walked back up to the stage.

"Okay. For my next song 'Embers' there is a girl I would like to come up and sing with me so Holly come on up." Holly was looking at me shaking her head but I manged to get her up.She was so shy. Just like me. The music started playing and I started to sing.

There were days,

When each hour,

Was a war I fought to survive.

I gestured to Holly to sing and she did. She sounded like an angel. A lot of people were shocked. I couldn't tell if it was jealousy or if they were amazed at her voice. Most likely both. I really wanted to ask her if for my concert tomorrow night she wanted to perform 'Embers' with me. The chorus was coming up so I started to sing with Holly.

So I'm burning bright

As we all unite

And though its all said and done

We'll shine like the sun

Just don't let the fire die

And we'll fill the sky

As it fills with light

So whatever you do

Just don't let the fire die.

We finished the song and it was dead silent. I thought everyone hated it until a few seconds later everyone started clapping like crazy. "How'd you like that guys?" I said and Holly went to sit back down but I stopped her.

"what do you want?" She said in a playful tone.

"I thought that was amazing. I want to ask you something later." I said quietly to her.

"Uh okay." She said as she sat back down.

"I only have a few songs left which sucks because you guys are amazing. Let's start my next song then should we? This song is called 'Unbelievable'." I signaled my band and we started. I started singing and got into the song so much.

It's unbelievable!

This is as good as it gets.

It's unbelievable!

Don't know what's gonna happen next.

It's unbelievable!

You haven't seen nothing yet.

It's unbelievable!

It's unbelievable!

I finished singing and realized that this next song was my last song and then I had to go. I had to figure out a way to surprise Holly. I performed my last song and said goodbye to everyone.

"Well guys I'm sorry. That was my last song. I hope you enjoyed yourselves and I'll see you guys next time." I waved as I walked off. Everyone walked out and I assumed they went back to class. I had to pack our instruments up and figure out a way to get Holly. I grabbed my phone out and called Holly's mum.

"Hey. It's Adam again. Um is there any chance you could text Holly to tell her to go to the office in about, let's see, an hour?"

She responded with "Yeah sure thing. Hopefully she doesn't pass out when she sees you." I laughed.

"Oh no. She won't. Trust me on that one." I heard Holly's mum laugh.

"Alright. Seeya" I hung up and put my phone back in my pocket and helped my band pack up. I wonder what I should do with Holly.

Holly's POV

Oh my god. I just sung with THE ADAM YOUNG. I can't stop freaking out. This can't be happening. My current class which was art Angus was in as well so we walked together and listened to Adam on my phone like we usually do when we hang out. I was almost at my class when I got a text. I got my phone to read it.

From: Mum:

In about an hour can you go to the office? Thanks.

I replied.

To: Mum:

why? are you picking me up early?

She replied again.

From: Mum:

I'm not but I have a surprise. Just go.

Well okay then. I get to class and go to sit down. Angus followed me in and the teacher went and sat at her desk.

"Well hello class. How are you today?" she started doing the roll but when she called out my name she spoke for a minute.

"Holly you were amazing before. I never knew you could sing that good. Congrats."

I blushed. How many people are going to tell me that?

"Thank you." I said while getting my art book out.

"Well class. Today we are going to draw but not just make believe. We will be doing fan art." Oh great. My worse nightmare. I can't, for the life of me draw things or people that are real. She's gonna expect me to draw Adam isn't she?

"Anyway, I have decided what you will be doing fan art of and have printed out pictures of them. You may do whatever you like as long as it 1) isn't inappropriate and 2) has the person in it." She walked around handing them out and who do I get? Of course. I get Adam. Great.

"Thanks Miss Brit."

"No problems. I'm sure you'll do amazing." She walked off and I was left staring at my paper. What do I do? I looked at my phone to check the time and I had about 40 minutes until I had to leave so I decided to try and draw something. I decided on just drawing a simple garden background with Adam standing in the garden. Perfect. I started to draw when Miss Brit yelled out at the class saying she wanted to show us a video. I was up ready to watch the video and decided to check the time. I had about 30 minutes. The video was about 25 minutes. I sat there and watched it and I was quite fascinated by it. The video was about how paper is made. It was interesting. I went back to my drawing for a bit when I saw I had about 15 minutes left until I had to go to the office. I had just finished drawing Adam and was quite surprised. I started the garden background and manged to finish it very quickly. I checked the time again. 5 minutes. I shot my hand up in the air and told Miss Brit I had to go to the office and I needed to take my bag. She allowed me to surprisingly. I packed up my stuff and started to walk over to the office. I heard a noise and when I turned around I saw that my bag had become unzipped and my books fell out. I bent down to pick them up and put them back in my bag. I got up and continued walking over to the office. When I got there I walked into the office. I looked up and I couldn't believe who it was. It was Adam?

so hey guys. finally i was able to update. sorry for the long wait. i haven't really felt like writing lately so if i update every like 2 3 weeks that will be a lot for me currently. well anyway what has been going down in your lives lately? my school debate team (which i'm in) has won 4 out of the 4 debates we have taken part in :D we have finals next term so yay. also in my singing group at school we are doing fireflies (guess who suggested it hehe ;) ) and guess what? i have a freaking solo :D but in the not so great news. i broke my fridge. basically anger got the best of me, slammed the door too hard and boom. shelf fell off so yeah. hope you enjoyed this :D

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