"Is this what you had to come to earlier before?

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I had just got home from lunch/ rehearsal and it was amazing. I couldn't believe it. It was 3pm and I needed to go home and get changed. I walked in the front door and my mum was following me in. "How was lunch?" 

"It was awesome or should I say owlsome?" I giggled a bit and my mum was trying so hard not to laugh. 

"You and your owl puns." We both were laughing so hard I think I almost wet myself.

 "Okay so the concert starts at 7pm but we get in an hour earlier because meet and greets start at 6pm." I ran upstairs and got my clothes out of my closet, got my shoes and placed them on my bed and the shoes at the side of my bed. I went searching through my draws to find my blue earrings. That took a good 30 minutes. I quickly got my favorite mango smelling shampoo and went to the bathroom. I got undressed and turned the water on. I waited a minute for it to warm up and jumped in. I washed my hair and freshened up before I got dressed. I jumped out of the shower and turned it off. I grabbed my towel and dried myself. I slipped my black dress that I had woken up to this morning on. I put my black ballet flats with little bows on the toes on. I also put my infinity necklace, blue earrings and black and gold bracelet on. I went back into the bathroom to style my hair. I checked my phone for the time. I had a hour before we had to leave so I decided on a quick and simple but pretty hairstyle. I straightened my hair and then curled the ends. I quickly put a little bit of lip gloss on and walked downstairs to the lounge room. My mum just stared at me. 

"Wow.... you look... beautiful. You ready to go?" 

"Of course." We jumped into the car and off we went. She had no idea that I only got so dressed up because i'm performing with Adam and the band. It took us 45 minutes because of the traffic. When we got there I jumped out and ran into the line. Mum followed after me with the tickets. We showed the person manning the door and he recognized  me. 

"Holly hey. You excited for the show tonight?" I smiled.

 "Yes. I'm so excited." I giggled. The guy let us through and I saw Adam. I went in line and when it was my turn I ran over to him and hugged him. "Holly I'm so glad to see you again. You look beautiful." I blushed. Adam Young just called me beautiful.

"I am too and thank you." We both smiled. Mum took a photo and I went and took my front row seat that he had reserved just for me. I still don't understand why he is doing all this for me. After all I am just a fan girl and Adam has millions of them. I sat down and was listening to the music that was playing. I couldn't help but get up and dance. My mum laughed.

 "After the show can we go and get dinner?" I asked mum.

 "Yeah sure. What do you what?" I thought about it. 

"Not sure. I'll tell you after."

 "Okay." A lot of people started coming in and filling up the seats. I was getting more nervous by the minute and I had to tell mum sooner or later but I thought about it. Maybe she can have a surprise. I was looking around and saw that about 98% of the seats were filled. Oh no. I'm going to stuff up aren't I?. The whole arena fell silent as I heard the intro. (okay quick note. i've never been to an owl city concert so sorry if this isn't how they usually go. okay i'll leave now) I saw everyone but Adam walk out and they started playing the intro to 'thunderstruck'. I looked around and when I looked back I saw Adam walking out. A lot of people including me screamed. Adam started singing and pretty much everyone sang along. I had to be careful not to strain my voice so I sung but not loud as some people were. Adam was looking at random hootowls and he looked at me and winked. Even though me and Adam know each other fairly well now I still screamed. He looked back at me and I could see him trying so hard not to laugh. The song finished and Adam spoke for a bit. I quickly ran to the bathroom to splash my face with water and to make sure I wasn't red in the face. I ran back and almost missed the start of 'Up All Night'. Since I had seen the rehearsal and know what songs are when I knew that I had to go backstage in about 3 songs. When 'Up All Night' finished I was trying so hard not to freak out. I was thinking 'this is it Holly. Screw this up and everyone including Adam will hate me.' The next song had already finished I was trying to stay calm so badly. My mum looked at me and she had a worried look on her face. 

"Hey Holly. Are you okay?"

 "Yeah. I'm fine. I need to quickly go to the bathroom again. And also I may not be back for a few songs. You'll know why after. Just wait." Mum nodded and I ran to the bathroom. I quickly fixed my hair and made sure my dress and shoes were on probably. I ran back out and 'Gold' had started."oh crap" I ran to the stage door and the guy let me in. I quickly followed the arrows and made my way to the side of the stage. Adam saw me, smiled and winked at me. He started talking about how he has a special guest. 

"So yesterday I performed at a school in this area. As I was walking past the music room to set up I heard a young girl singing this next song. At the actual performance I manged to catch up with her and she performed with me so I asked her if she wanted to perform it with me tonight. So I would like you to give a warm welcome to Holly Joy." I breathed a bit and walked out. A lot of people were clapping and mum's look on her face was so cool. A mix of excitement, shock and proudness. She got out her phone and started recording. The intro to 'Embers' started and when it was time I started singing.

There were days

When each hour

Was a war I fought to survive.

The song finished and I walked off stage. Everyone was cheering and as I went back down to my seat heaps of people came up to me and were congratulating me. Some even asked for photos and autographs. I felt really special. as I sat down mum said to me "Is this what you had to come earlier before because if it is I don't mind at all. You were amazing." 

I blushed and replied "yes." I enjoyed the rest of the concert and we waited around a bit because I wanted to thank Adam for this amazing experience. The guy at the stage door let me and mum in and we found Adam. 

I thanked him and he asked me "hey Holly?" I replied "yeah?"

 "Um would you like to be a special guest for the rest of my tour?" 

WHOO NEW CHAPTER FINALLY. hope you guys liked this and yes i am feeling much better now. and my debate team didn't make it to the grand final. wanna know why? because it was marked so bloody unfairly. but yeah. *cries alot* also you guys should follow my twitter: @ wardmadison9. if you want you can follow my instagram where i post alot of random photos and videos. alot of photos of Adam of course haha. @ maddiwardmusic (because my youtube channel is madison ward music so if you wanna sub to my youtube go ahead. that is some random stuff there lol) but yeah. untill the next update. bye. *waves*

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