"Anyway, why were you running over here?"

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It was break time and I rushed over to meet Angus near my normal homegroup. I was running so fast I nearly tripped. As I was running I saw a van in the main car park that looked oddly familiar. I thought to myself 'what the heck?' I saw Angus and waved. He waved back and we both ran over to each other.

"Hey Holly. How was your morning?" Angus asked me. 

"It was normal. Nothing really exciting apart from the fact there's going to be a performance after break." I replied squealing. 

"I know. I'm so excited. I think we just rock up there right?" Angus asked. 

"I think so yeah. Maybe we should hang out near the gym so we can get front row." I stated slightly screaming. 

"We should totally do that." So we both started walking over when Mr Murs stopped us. 

"Oh hey Holly and Angus. I can only let certain people in as soon as the bell goes and Holly is one of them. Angus you can't go in straight away." He told us. I turned and saw Angus was about to cry. "Although since you are friends with Holly you can." Mr Murs said all of a sudden. 

"What? You're joking, right?" Angus looked at me with all the happiness back on his face and then turned to Mr Murs.

 "Nope. Not at all. Enjoy." Angus was so excited but I was even more excited. If only certain people were allowed in early could this mean that Adam was doing a performance? No way. We could go in now which I was really surprised about. Me and Angus went and sat down at the front as close as we could get. The break was over in about 5 minutes. I looked over and saw everything was set up. It looked really familiar. It was set up the way Adam usually has his stuff set up. I was freaking out inside because everything so far had lead to the fact that Adam was performing. I had no doubts now. 

I had no idea how bad I was fangirling until Angus tapped me on the shoulder and said "hey Holly. You may want to calm down a bit since break is over now." I snapped out of it and turned around and saw all of my year level walking in slowly but surely. 

I whispered to Angus "what if they judge me? Since we're close to the front." 

"Don't worry they won't." It's nice to know that some people are kind and caring since a lot of the people I have encountered in my life are rude cows. Everyone had sat down and me and Angus were the only people apart from a few others this close. A teacher went and stood out the front of everyone. "Now guys. A lot of you may not know who this is so I'll do a brief introduction so you can have an idea." I was listening so closely. 

"From hits like Fireflies to Good Time with Carly Rae Jepson. I present to you Owl City." I sat there freaking out. Adam was actually performing at MY school? This day could not get weirder at all. Adam walked out and I heard many girls start screaming and I was also screaming. As Adam walked up to the mic he laughed. 

"Hey guys. How are you all?" Adam asked us all. A random bunch of girls screamed out something along the line of 'marry me Adam. I love you.' Alot of people including Adam laughed. 

"So I take it that you're good. For my first song I'm going to be performing 'Gold' but I can't do it without my band. Come on out." Breanne and Jasper walked out and i started freaking out. 

"Holly calm down." I heard Angus tell me. 

"I can't. Oh my god. Adam. Is. Metres. Away. From. Me." I said not realising how loud I said it and everyone including Adam, Breanne and Jasper were looking at me. Oh my god. Adam saw me freaking out.

 "Okay. Well I'm going to start now. Lets do it." Adam told everyone and Breanne and Jasper started playing. I jumped up and started singing and dancing like crazy and soon a lot of people joined me. 

It was a few songs in and Adam had just finished My Everything when he said "okay so while I was walking over here to set up I walked past the music room I think and I heard a girl singing 'Embers'. If she's here right now I am asking her to come up here and perform 'Embers' with me after this quick break." Wait. Adam heard me sing? Oh my god. 

I stood up and ran over to Adam to tell him I was the one that was singing Embers before but halfway over there I tripped. "WHY." I screamed so loud and I was not expecting the person who ran over to run over to me. It was Adam. Adam had ran over just for me? This had to be a dream. 

"Hey. You okay?" Adam asked me. 

Of course been the crazy fangirl I am I responded "Yes. I think but omg I love you. This is a dream come true. I can't believe this." And Adam laughed. I think he found that last bit funny. 

"Anyway, why were you running over here?" Adam asked me as I stood up. 

"I, uh, um." I stuttered a bit before blurting out "I was the one singing Embers before." Adam looked at me in shock.

 "What? You were singing that?" 

"Yes I was. Did you like it?" I replied shaking a bit. 

"I would be lying if I said no. Would you like to come up and sing that with me and the band?" He responded. 

"Yes. I would love to."

 "What's your name by the way? I forgot to ask." Adam asked me.

 "My name's Holly. Holly Joy." I responded. 

yay new chapter. hope this is okay. i might make this an update once per week or whenever i can since school and its like two weeks until the grade books close for this term. 

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