But the world took a spark like a match in the dark

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I got to school and got off the bus. I walked with my new friend but he was in another class around the same area. When he had to go he said "see you at break?" 

With sadness I replied "yes. See you then." I continued walking to my class but when I got there, there was a note on the door saying 'class 10E please go to the library' so I had to walk all the way over there in 5 minutes. I walked over there with about a minute to spare. I went in and sat at a seat near the back. My teacher was reading out the roll when I heard my name. "Is Holly here?" She said with a slight yell tone to her voice. 

"Yes. I'm here miss." I yelled back with a slight pant since I was running to get here and I was still slightly out of breath. 

One kid that hates me came over and said to me " oh look what the cat dragged in." A few people laughed but I just ignored it. This happens every morning in homegroup. The bell for the first period rung and I ran towards my first class. I had my favourite subject first which was music. Currently we are working on a project to do with our favourite artist/band and of course I did it on Owl City since no other artist is as good as Adam. It was due in about a week but I had already finished since I am such a fast worker and with how much I love Adam I barely had to search stuff up. When I got to the music room I waited outside until my music teacher came. His name was Mr Murs and he was an awesome teacher. He didn't even care about how much I go on about Owl City. He just sits and listens. The rest of the class, that's not really the case. They are always yelling at me to shut up and to be honest, it's annoying but I just laugh it off. when I got into music I sat down in my normal spot and everyone else sat down in their normal spots. 

 Mr Murs sat at his desk and said "guys there's something I think you would like to know." I was really excited for this announcement because for all I know it could be something just for me but then again it could be about someone else more deserving because I'm not such a great person. "After the break in the gym, the school only informed me this morning but there's going to be a surprise performance. I'm not allowed to say who it is since the school want it to be a surprise." Wait. We were having a surprise performance from someone? I wonder who it could be. When Mr Murs had finished he did the roll and it was the same deal as before. We had quite a small class today. The people in our home groups aren't usually in our classes but some might be. Alot of people weren't at school today. That's unusual. When Mr Murs had finished the roll I took my poster about Owl City to him. When I gave it to him he was shocked. "Holly you did all of this? In like two weeks? I'm impressed." 

"Yes I did. It wasn't really hard for me since I know so much about Owl City it was mainly making it look good." I replied and he was still shocked. 

"Well since today we were going to work on this project you can go to the back room and play some music with the instruments of your choice" he told me and i walked to the back room. I didn't really know anything but singing so I decided to sing 'Embers' by Owl City. luckily I had a backing track on my phone and Mr Murs wouldn't mind if I used my phone for that. I set the sound system and microphone up and started the music.

There were days

When each hour

Was a war I fought to survive

There were nights

Full of nightmares

And I dreaded closing my eyes

There were skies

That burst open

With a downpour to drown me alive

But the world took a spark like a match in the dark

And the fire brought me to life

So I'm fanning the flames to climb so high

'Cause there's no other way we can stay alive

'Cause we're burning bright

As we all unite

And when it's all said and done

We'll shine like the sun

So don't let the fire die

And we'll watch the sky

As it fills with light

And though the embers are new

Whatever you do, just don't let the fire die

Adam's POV

I had packed everything I needed into the van and told everyone what was going on. They were all super excited and so we set off. "Okay guys. Just wait in here when we get there so I can tell the school that we are here and where we need to go to set up." I told them. 

"Okay."Everyone replied. When we got to the school I jumped out and went into the office.

 "Hey. Um. I'm Adam or Owl City and I was told I needed to come to the office first." I asked one of the ladies behind the desk. 

"Uh yes. So the performance is in the gym so if you want you can take your van or whatever with your stuff closer. Anyway if you want to walk from here turn left around the corner, go past the music room, and keep walking straight. If you keep going that way then you'll get there in no time." She told me. 

"Okay thank you." I walked out of the office, told everyone to follow me, got my trolleys out and packed my stuff on there. We walked around and when we walked past the music room I heard a familiar song. "Is that Embers?" I heard Breanne ask. 

"I think it is." I replied. "So there must be fans here." We all laughed. 

"Wow she sings good. Maybe I can ask her up when we perform Embers." I said but it came out more like a question.

 "Yes. You should." Jasper told me.

 "Well I will then." I said smiling. We continued towards the gym and when we got there set up. "Should I go find out who that girl was?" I asked.

 "Maybe wait until after." Jasper told me. 

 "Fine." I replied about to go to the office and tell them the other surprise I had in store for Holly. She was the whole reason I was even here. I wasn't sure if I should go and tell them or wait until her mum comes because the school would most likely believe her mum more than me. I went anyway and rang her mum so they could talk to her. "Hey. It's Adam. I just wanted to ring you incase the school didn't believe me that you said it was okay if I took Holly out for a bit today." I told her. 

"Cool. Are you in the office yet?" 

"Yes I am. One sec." I put the phone on speaker. "Uh hey. It's just me again. Later in the day I am planning to take Holly Joy out for a bit. I understand if you dont believe me so I have Holly's mum on the phone." I gave the lady my phone. 

"Yes. Hi. So about Adam. I give him permission to take Holly out for the day. If you need me to come sign forms or something then I will." 

The lady replied with "Okay. No worries. Since you have given us verbal consent then it's fine. Have a nice day." The lady gave my phone back and Holly's mum hang up. "So what time were you planning to take her out?" She asked me.

 "After the performance." I told her and she told me 

"Okay cool. Break starts in about 10 minutes so you might want to go chill out somewhere where no students will see you since we want it to be a surprise. If you want you can chill in the staff room." She smiled. "I can take you there if you want."

 "Okay. Just let me call the others." So I called the others and we were shown to the staff room.

Second chapter :D i just want to say  thank you to ShyHootOwl28 for the support on the last chapter. that actually means alot. :) 

Still a fan? Owl City/Adam Young fan fictionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora