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( thus will be long lol )

Justin's p.o.v

" Jesus Christ! " I sighed, I turned to serenity

" what did you do?! "

" what! Why be?! " she shouted,

"oh come on serenity I'm not that dumb "

" you wanna bet?! "

" fine! " he yelled, she flinched and grabbed his bag

" go now. " he said, she grabbed her stuff and walked out.

Of course she wa the cause of it but she can't tell Justin that he'd be so upset he might not help her

But than again with these notes she helping herself.

" okay we're leaving this place don't ask where cause we're just going " just commanded as he drove off

" than why are we going " she asked, he scoffed

" you wanna stay with the dead men in our room? "

" look Justin in just tryna make sense of the situation " she signed, he nodded

" I bet you are but you sitting there pretending that you don't know what's going on is getting really old! I'm not Gonna decode your bipolar mood swings, okay any of your I don't know what I'm doing wrong games, or even listen to the lies flowing from your mouth " he breathed, she say there.

" your outburst are getting old "

" really? Than why does it hurt you liked there brand new " he asked, she started crying.

He looked at her and pulled over

" serenity look at me "

She didn't

" serenity " he called once more

She looked and rolled her eyes, he stared and ran his fingers through his hair.

" look I guess this is also partially my fault "

In sorry what?

" what? " she asked, he nodded

" yea I need to take more care of you and I don't think that's what I'm doing... In just yelling at you and that's not fair "

This guy is truly a saint, he is the sweetest thing and he cares about this girl.,,, and she kept stepping on his trust, now it was serenity so turn to feel bad.

" Justin's in just being dramatic I'm sorry "

He sighed and saw a McDonalds

" hungry? " he asked, she nodded starving.

After lunch the two decided to keep looking for random things maybe her brother, maybe some friends or someone. But of course it started getting late and the sun fell.

" Justin come on it's okay " she said, he sighed and rubbed his face

" fine i won't make u keep looking "

They got in the car and drove, they didn't turn back to the hotel since it was so far behind so he kept driving hopefully there was something nearby.

Justin wasn't paying attention to serenity but it wasn't like she was trying to conversations anyway... She was thinking.

~ flashback ~



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