It Was Totally Worth It

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*Hey guys! I know you wanted me to add more so here it is! 

Violets' P.O.V.

I woke up in my bed, feeling groggy and confused. My arm throbbed and my eyes hurt from crying. I looked down to see that my arm was wrapped in thick gauze. [What's going on?] I wondered, utterly and helplessly confused. I didn't even notice him, my fallen angel sitting next to the bed. I was to focused on trying to remember what had happened to me and how I got here.

I heard a quite flutter, but it was loud enough to make me jump. With wide eyes, I turned my head to the right and saw him in a chair. My jaw dropped and I gasped. [He's the most beautiful person I've ever seen!] My attention shifted from his beauty to the fluttering sound behind him, and my eyes widened even more when I saw his massive black wings.

"W-who are you?" I stammered slightly.

"My name is Eric Blackwood, your guardi-" he cut himself off, then said, "Well, your fallen angel now."

I was silent, thinking his words over in my head. I have never seen him in my life, that I know of anyway, and he did have those huge wings and they looked real... as far as wings go. I pushed myself up and winced when I moved my arm.

I finally realized something and said, "So you were the one who stopped me earlier? The one who took the knife out of my hand and caught me when I blacked out?"

He nodded his head and looked down at my arm. "Does it still hurt? I stitched it up myself... I used to take medical lesson's before I died..." he trailed off and looked out the window.

I wasn't sure what to say... his story was a bit hard to grasp. The only part that made sense was the fact that he had massive black wings. That was the only actual proof he had that proved he was my fallen angel.

He looked back at me, the look on his face said he knew exactly what I was thinking. He sighed and flipped his jet black hair out of his eyes. His eyes were like honey, a creamy golden color. "I've watched over you for quite some time." His eyes twinkled and he smiled a crocked smile.

I was trapped in his beauty, surrounded by his loving aurora and engulfed in his hypnotizing gaze. He was everything I ever wanted in life. He had extraordinary bone structure and his skin was as white as snow. The contrast in his physical features were outstanding, by far the most handsome man on Earth.

I blushed and looked away, trying not to gawk at him. He smiled at my blush and moved a strand of my hair out of my face. 

Suddenly, I remembered the huge bloody mess in the bathroom. I looked at him questioningly but he seemed to know what I was thinking. "I cleaned it up... you were passed out for quite awhile."

I smiled and said, "Thank you." Then a question popped into my head. "Why did you stop me? What made you stop the blade before I could end my worthless life?"

Eric sighed and rolled his eyes. "I hope you know that you were never truly alone. I was always there for you, every step of the way. Now to answer your question, I stopped you from killing yourself simply because I love you. A few years ago, I was assigned to watch over you, and during that time, I felt very... close to you? I hated seeing people harm you and the thing I hated the most was watching you harm yourself. I got feed up and decided to take matters into my own hands. I broke a rule just so I could save you and the price was falling out of Heaven," he paused for a moment then he smiled warmly. "It was totally worth it."

*How did you like it? Sorry I was a little late with it, trying to come up with ideas(: Also, COMMENT/ VOTE! I really need your advice on what I should add next! I'll try to update soon! Much love!*

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