"Wow," I say, staring at the beautiful collage of animals drawn in pencil. "This is amazing."

"Thank you," Tucker says, bowing his head. "Perhaps I can draw you?"

There is the abrupt scraping of a chair and I flinch at the loud noise, looking over. Austin stands, gathering his bag and books. He leaves the classroom, not offering any explanation to Mr. Kinney, who is watches the door shut as we're left wondering where he's going.

Tucker turns his attention back to me. "So, what do you say?"

I shake my head, offering a small smile. "No, maybe some other time. You're a fantastic artist though."

There is a ache in the pit of my stomach and I am more than ready to leave when my mom picks me up.


"Did you have a good 'first' day back, honey?" my dad asks, hugging me tight as he walks into my room, knocking.

I accept his hug. "No," I say, mumbling into his shoulder. "It was rather shitty and I have this essay I have to write for english."

I've been trying to write it since I got home from school, but there's arguing in upstairs that seems to echo down. I don't have the energy to go and find my ear buds, which I left in the kitchen. Now I have no way to block out my brothers and they are really irritating.

"Shut up!" I hear through the wall, followed by a loud crash and a bang on the wall.

"Fuck you Logan, you think you know everything? Well you don't!" Quinn's familiar screech echoes to my room and I finally have enough of the noise. There is more yelling and crashing around, thumping on the stairs as two of my brother continue their fight. My dad runs out of my room, going out to investigate. I follow him, struggling to keep up because of the damn crutches. The only time I'm allowed to use them are at home.

"What's going on?" I ask, standing beside my dad, taking in the scene before me as Logan and Quinn square off.

"We're about to find out," he mumbles, taking in the scene in front of him.

Quinn is struggling to get loose and is pushing back against Logan.

I widen my eyes, unsure of what to do and I cover my mouth.

My dad jumps into action though, ripping Quinn from Logan's grip and shoving my two brothers apart. "What the hell is going on?" He asks, folding his arms against his chest. By the tone, I know he means business.

Quinn looks desperately at Logan.

My dad clears his throat, and I see he is tapping his foot, showing how impatient he's getting.

Logan sighs. "Quinn's been drinking," he says, looking over at Quinn.

Quinn narrows his eyes but rubs his face.

"I caught him last night. He was drunk, so helped him to bed. I came up this morning to tell him either he had to tell you or mom, or I would."

"Quinn, is this true?" my dad asks, turning to Quinn.

Quinn looks down at his feet, nodding his head. My dad is silent as he stares at him. Everyone is silent as they take this news in. Unsurprisingly, I know Quinn has been drinking with friends and partying. It surprised me that he let it get this far that Logan noticed and talked to him about it, giving the ultimate choice to choose between him telling mom and dad or Logan telling them.

Quinn didn't want anyone to find out hence is why he attacked Logan.

"Quinn, don't leave this room. Your mother and I will talk to you later," my dad says sternly, then nods to Logan and I. "Logan, Emma, let's talk outside."

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