Chapter Five: Eventually

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Stefan's POV

I opened up my eyes and sat up in the chair that sat in the corner of Caroline's room. Part of me wished that what happened last night was just a dream, but if it was I most likely wouldn't of been able to muster up the courage to come apologize to her. I rubbed my droopy eyes and looked across the room. There she was, sound asleep. I smiled at the sight of her stirring in her sleep, so peaceful, so innocently beautiful.

I got up and headed toward the kitchen. Since Caroline wasn't awake yet, I decided to make her the special coffee she likes.

After the coffee finished brewing, I poured the exact amount of vanilla coffee creamer and sugar that Caroline likes into her favorite red mug. I stirred the hot drink carefully, making sure that I didn't get any of the coffee on the counter. I smiled to myself thinking of what Caroline would say if I made a mess on the kitchen counter. I love when her control-freakiness side shows through. It's one of the many things I love about my beautiful best friend.

"What are you up to?" Elena asked, startling me. She walked up to the counter and stood next to me. "Well, Caroline likes to drink coffee every morning so I thought I'd make her some so it will be ready for her once she wakes up. It's the least I can do after everything she went through last night." I replied in a calm tone. "I'm impressed. I can't believe you memorized her very specific coffee order. Trust me, I know how picky she is about her coffee." A small smile was plastered on Elena's face. "I'm glad you two are friends again." Elena smiled. "Friends that know each others coffee orders, friends that stay up all night talking to each other, friends that go on mysterious road trips to colleges together, friends that..." I cut Elena off. "Okay, Elena I know what you're getting at and now's just not the right timing. I'm not sure if she even wants to be friends after I left her for 3 months." my voice was soft. Elena placed her hand on my shoulder. "She misses you. You know, I've never seen her more heartbroken. You hurt her, but you can fix it. Just apologize." The words flowed out of Elena's mouth. I looked at her and nodded.

"I think I'm gonna say goodbye to Care and head out." Elena smiled a sympathetic smile and walked towards Caroline's room.

Elena's POV

I sat on Caroline's bed next to where she was laying. She looked much healthier than she did last night. I shook her slightly to wake her up. "Care? Care it's morning. How are you feeling?" I asked. She rolled over and looked at me, rubbing her eyes. "Better. I'm okay.." her voice was sleepy. "Good. I'm so glad you're safe and healthy now. What happened last night... That was all my fault. I shouldn't of left you." I searched for a way to say sorry. What if she was mad at me?

Caroline sat up in her bed. "Elena, none of this was your fault. If you walked me in we would've both been hit." I sighed in relief. I pulled her in for a hug. "I love you." I giggled, my voice cracking. Caroline giggled back, "I love you too." We pulled out of the hug. "I'm gonna head out, okay? But call me if you need anything. Or just want to talk, about anything at all. I'm there."

"Okay. I will, I promise." Caroline assured me. "By the way, there's a certain broody vampire waiting for you in the kitchen. He wants to talk.. And I know its probably not the best timing but just listen to him, for me, please." She nodded hesitantly. We hugged once again and then said our final goodbyes before I left the Forbes' Residence.

Carolines POV

Stefan wanted to talk to me? I smiled remembering him holding me in his arms last night. When he held me, it felt light all my broken pieces were put back together. I felt loved. I missed him so much. Even if I was dying last night because of a fatal werewolf bite, I didn't feel the pain as much when he held me. With his arms wrapped around me, and his kiss still lingering on my forehead, I felt invincible. It felt so right to be with him, yet so wrong. I couldn't just forget about how he completely left me for 3 months without checking in or answering any of my calls. If he would just apologize, maybe, just maybe, I wouldn't feel as bad. Was it even possible for me to for give him? Maybe it was. Of course it was.

I was lost in deep thought about him when I heard him knock on my bedroom wall. "Hey." he said. His voice was soft. "Hey." I replied. I was afraid my facial expression and tone of voice had totally given away the nervousness I was feeling.

He sat next to me on the bed and handed me a mug. My favorite red mug. "I made you some coffee. I figured your daily coffee routine hasn't changed." He smiled softly and I smiled back. "Thanks." I took a sip of the coffee, and got lost in the taste and smell of sweet vanilla and cinnamon. How was it that it tasted even better when he made it?

I set my coffee on the bedside table next to us. "So, Caroline. I know I've been a real dick to you lately, and there's no excuse for me leaving you, but I've been thinking and If it's okay with you, I'd love it if we could go back to being friends and just put everything behind us.. start fresh. I think we could both use a fresh start. If it makes you feel any better about this situation that we're in right now, I thought you'd like to know that I missed you the most." I processed everything Stefan had just said to me. I closed my eyes and a tear ran down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly. "I think I'd be okay with that." I smiled.

"But you know we have to start off slow, Stefan, We can't just immediately go back to the way things were... but we'll get there. Hopefully.. Eventually."

Stefan flashed me a sincere smile and I blushed. Oh God, what if he noticed?!

He placed his warm hand on top of mine and the strangest feeling washed over me, I felt.. I felt happy, I felt like smiling again, I felt like I could finally breathe again. He pulled me into a tight hug. I could feel like hands caressing my blonde locks. I snuggled up to him, taking in his warmth. Oh how I missed hugging him.

"You have no idea how much I missed you." I giggled into his neck. "I missed you too." He laughed. Finally I felt happy again. Like maybe this was the start of more good things to come.

A/N: Hey guys! I'm so sorry for the chapter delay I promise to try and write more often! Thank you so much for all the reads, votes, and feedback! Let me know what you thought about this chapter in the comments!

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