Chapter Three: Photobooths & Missed Calls

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Caroline's POV
I woke up to a burning smell coming from my kitchen. I sat up, took a deep breath and sighed. I put on my pink slippers and walked into the kitchen. I smiled at the sight of Elena attempting to cook pancakes. She tried to flip one and accidentally dropped it on the ground. I tried to hold in my giggles but couldn't help but laugh. Elena's head whipped around "I'm trying okay." She giggled back. She grabbed the plate of overcooked and slightly burned pancakes and carefully placed them on the table. "I'll get the whipped cream!" I said as I reached into the fridge and grabbed it. I shut the fridge and looked over at Elena. We exchanged smiles, both thinking the same thing. I ran over to the plate and drew a big smiley face on them and added a special touch; fangs.

Stefan's POV
I didn't sleep at all last night. How could I have been so stupid? Caroline needed someone. She needed a friend, someone to just talk to and I wasn't there for her. I'm supposed to be her best friend. Our conversation from yesterday played over and over again in my head. You left me Stefan. Those words were the ones that hurt me most. I never really new how hard me leaving was on her. I needed to fix it. I need to fix us.

Elena's POV
Caroline seemed to be doing better but that's typical Caroline. Sometimes she hides her real feelings. It's hard to tell when she's really sad. Caroline was in her room just looking out the window now. I entered her room slowly, I didn't want to startle her. As I got closer to her I could hear her soft cries. "Care..?" I whispered. She turned her head towards me. Tears streaming down her face, once again. She wiped away her tears. "Care.. It's okay to be sad, you don't have to hide it from me." I said reassuring her. "I'm fine, Elena. Really, I'm okay. I really don't even know why I'm crying over him. I'm tired of crying." Her voice was hoarse from crying so much. I pulled her in for a hug. From what it looked like, she really needed one. I pulled away and put my hands on her shoulders. "Let's get out of here. Let's go somewhere. You know, take your mind off of everything." I smiled. Caroline looked up at me and smiled back. "Okay. Fine. But only for a little while." She let out a weak laugh. "Grab your coat! We're going shopping!" I handed Caroline her jacket and grabbed my keys. Care's face lit up. She loved shopping. It's just what she needed.

Caroline's POV
"Here! Try on this!" Elena stuck her hand out of the dressing room and I handed her a pink strapless sun dress with ruffles on the top part of it.

The dressing room door swung open and Elena walked out, spinning around. "How do I look?" She asked enthusiastically. "You look... You look amazing, Elena!" She really did. Pink suited her well. "Thanks!" She turned around to go change out of it when I stopped her. "Wait, Elena. Keep it on. We can buy them and both wear them out." I told her. "You're getting the dress too?" She asked me. I held up the same dress but in turquoise. A big smile was plastered across Elena's face. She grabbed her old clothes out of the small dressing room. "Okay. Ready!"

We bought the dresses and walked out of the store, strutting our way through the mall in our matching dresses. We stopped at four other places on our way out to buy sunglasses, new shoes, purses, and of course, more outfits. My eyes widened at the sight of a photo booth. My hand shot up and pointed at it, still holding all my bags. " 'Lena we have to go take pictures in there!" I grabbed her arm and pulled her into the photo booth. I slid my card through the card slot and pressed the button to start taking the pictures. 5..4..3.. "Make a funny face!" Said Elena. We both started to act silly and make funny faces at the camera. We giggled throughout the whole photo session causing the photo booth to capture pictures of us laughing and smiling. After the last picture was taken Elena and I jumped out of the photo booth, with our bags in our hands. The photo strips printed and we both grabbed a copy. I stuck mine in my purse and Elena stuck hers in her purse. "We should get going it's getting late." Elena explained. I looked at my phone. Wow, it was already 7:00 pm. I unlocked my phone and checked my missed calls and text messages.
(2) missed calls from Stefan.
My smile quickly faded and I shoved my phone into my purse. Elena looked at me with a confused look on her face. "Caroline? Caroline, what's wrong?" Elena put her hand on my shoulder. "It's just... Stefan. He called.." "You okay?" She gave me concerned but compassionate look. "Yeah, I'll be fine." We exchanged smiles. Only, my smile was fake. "C'mon let's go." I turned and continued to walk towards the exit, Elena following right behind me.

Stefan's POV
I've been staring at my phone for the past 2 hours waiting for Caroline to call me back. I was getting impatient. I got up and paced back in fourth in front of the fire place, all alone in the lonely Salvatore boarding house. I needed to talk to her. I scrolled down my contacts until I found the one I needed. I clicked on the one that read 'Caroline Forbes'. I stood there in silence waiting for her to pick up while my phone rang. "Hey! It's Caroline, Leave a message!" I sighed in disappointment when she didn't answer my call. "Hey, Caroline. I need to talk to you. Just let me explain everything. I- just call me when you get this..".

5 minutes had passed since I called Caroline and left her that message. I couldn't wait any longer. I grabbed my keys and got in my car. I needed to see her. I drove down the road, heading towards Caroline's house. Thinking of everything I was going to say to her.

Caroline's POV
Elena walked me to the door once we arrived back at my house. I hugged her tight. "Thank you, Elena. For everything you did today." I told her. "You're welcome. Call me if you need anything. I'll be here within the minute." She smiled and started to walk towards her car. I waved to her and walked inside as she drove off. I turned to the wall to put down my purse and flick on the lights. As I turned around and I saw a dart filled with yellow liquid shoot right at my chest. It was too close and too fast for me to move out of the way in time. I felt the sharp blade on the dart cut through my skin. Two more shot at me. Piercing my skin again. I recognized what the liquid was as it spread through my body. I had felt this type of pain before, on my 18th birthday if I remember correctly. Werewolf venom. I was in agony and pain. Every inch of my body burned, it felt like I had just jumped into a pool of acid and was being staked 1000 times over and over again. I felt my blood boiling. My vision was fuzzy and every thing went black.

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