Chapter 1

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The Beginning

"Fück this", Ivy thought as she opened her eyes to the rays of sunlight wafting in through the curtains illuminating the room.

Well I guess it's her room now.

"It's too pink in here", she groaned and flopped back on to her pillow.

"Ivy", she heard a timid knock on the door, "it's time for you to get up the school bus will be here in twenty minutes".

"Ok, I'm awake, I will be down in a couple of minutes", Ivy called back at the door.

She heard footsteps walk away and down the stairs. Ivy got up and walked over to the floor to ceiling mirror. "God I look awful", she claimed as she looked at her petite 5'2 frame in the mirror. Her green eyes were red and splotchy, she had bags under them and her shoulder-length, wavy, black hair was sticking out in all different directions from the messy bun she had put her hair into the night before.

"Nothing a shower can't solve", she said as she grabbed a towel and padded down the hallway to the bathroom.

As she let the hot water wash over her she wondered how her first day of school was going to be. She absolutely detested the idea of going to a building full of hormonal teens instead of training in the gym for her next mission.

She got out of the shower dried off and walked back to her room, and looked in the closet. Just as she expected, almost all of the articles of clothing in the closet were pink. She hated it.

Ivy finally settled on the one pair of black skinny jeans, blue baggy blouse and her old leather jacket.

Ivy checked herself out in the mirror and pulled her hair into a high pony tail.

"This will have to do, I suppose", she sighed and trudged downstairs.

As she entered the kitchen the aroma of scrambled eggs and bacon filled her nose.

Ivy saw Ms.Stevens at the stove frying food in a pan. Ms.Stevens was a kind, gentle woman in her late forties. She was short and plump, she also smiled a lot and that irritated Ivy. Ivy was not the hearts, bunnies and rainbows kind of girl.

"Oh, you look lovely dear", Ms.Stevens complimented her as she heard Ivy come in.

"Um, thanks", Ivy said uncomfortably as she entered the kitchen and took a seat at the small table.

"You didn't have to make all this for me Ms.Stevens", she said as she was served a full plate of food.

"It was really no trouble dear and please call me Marion", she smiled warmly as she replied.

Ms.Stevens was the first to break the awkward silence that hung in the air. "So tell me darling, are you excited for your first day of highschool?", she asked.

"I can't wait" Ivy responded unenthusiastically.

Just as Ms.Stevens was about to ask another question in attempt to make small talk, a loud horn interrupted them.

"Oh dear", Ms.Stevens gasped as she looked at her watch ,"that's the bus you'd better hurry."

Ivy jumped up from the table, slipped on her black converse, picked up her bag and ran out the door slamming it behind her.

As Ivy entered the bus she realised she had forgotten to say good bye to Ms.Stevens. "Oh well", she thought to herself. She had bigger problems now, like where the hell she was going to sit on this rancid bus that smelled week-old egg salad.

The bus lurched forwards as Ivy started to walk towards the back of the bus. She took a seat in the very back beside the window and plugged her headphones into her phone and began listening to her favorite band, Panic! At The Disco.

As she stared out the window looking at the neat, colorful houses all lined up perfectly she began to remember the events causing her to end up in suburbia.

It all started with that fücking phone call;

Ivy was training in the gym getting ready to go on her next big mission, when the head of School for Gifted Young Assassins and Spys League, Kevin, came up to her.

He had told her he had some 'bad news'.

She laughed at it now bad news did not even begin to describe what he told her.

After he had left, Ivy went back to her room and punched a hole in the wall. She didn't care about anything anymore.

The next morning Kevin came into her room and told her to pack her belongings, as she would now be staying with a foster parent.

Ivy put up a fight she didn't want to leave the place she had called home for seventeen years. But Kevin told her that she was too young and she couldn't legally stay with them without an adults consent. Kevin said he wanted her to come back, as she was the best teen spy/assassin the SGYASL had ever had.

So she left. Kevin promised her that when she turned eighteen he would call her and if she still wanted to work for them, she could start full time.

A loud screech threw Ivy from her thoughts. The bus had pulled up at a huge building.

As Ivy exited the bus she noticed the huge banner above the doorway that read; WELCOME BACK ROSECHESTER HIGH STUDENTS!

Ivy looked up at the blue, pink and white coloured school, as it loomed over her like a powerful fortress.

"Well here goes nothing", Ivy mumbled as she went to enter her biggest mission yet : survive highschool.


Well, that was the first chapter.
What did you think of it?

What do you think of the way the story is told in a third person/narrative kind of way?
Would you prefer it from Ivy's POV?

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Thank you so much for reading. Vote if you wanna. See ya next time.

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