Chapter 6: Secret and Door

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It's amazing how someone can keep a secret so well.

Simon nodded.

"Come, before your dad comes to take you home."

Gotham took Simon's hand in hers, and began to run.

"Wow you're really fast," Simon said, surprised.

"I run to the park everyday."

"So you don't live that far from the park then," Simon said, relieved.

"No, it's quite a ways away."

Simon was shocked. "What time do you wake up in the morning?"

"I don't know. I don't have a clock."

"Well it must be before 8, because that's when I get to the park. And you don't get there that much after me."

"Maybe 7?"

"Maybe. But that's really early."

They continued to run, and when they rounded the corner, Simon took in the full pitiful glory of Gotham's house. It was dark and the windows were dirty and it looked like it was sagging in some places on the porch. He was afraid what the inside was like.

"Please don't feel sorry for me, Simon."

The door didn't squeak when Gotham opened it, and Simon was surprised. But as soon as he stepped in, he could smell the dust.

"How do you breathe in here?" Simon coughed out.

"I got used to it." Gotham shrugged.

"Wow. I feel like I'm suffocating."


Gotham showed him around her house, through the kitchen, the dining room, up the stairs, past the room with the forever closed door, into her little, bare room with the dirty window.

"Is this--"

"It's my room."

Simon stood in the doorway for what seemed like hours, just staring at the old bed sat beside the empty closet.

After finally finding something to say, he asked "Don't you ever get lonely in here, all by yourself?"

Gotham had actually gotten used to it. She was always thinking. She never knew what it was like to have company, so she had never felt lonely. She had immediately accepted that they had taken her parents from her, though sometimes it gave her excruciating pain to think about it. She told Simon this, and he was silent again.

"But anyway. About that secret."

Simon perked up. He was very interested in learning more about Gotham.

"As I said before, I can do things."

Simon started to say something but Gotham stopped him.

"Don't say anything 'til I'm done please."

Simon nodded.

"Okay." Gotham took a deep breath. "I can...move things. Without touching them. Here, let me just show you."

Gotham walked out of her room, pulling Simon with her, then she stood facing her doorway, closed her eyes, and concentrated.

Simon watched the doorway for a few seconds, then he looked at Gotham. That was when the door started to move.

"Whoa!" Simon yelled.

The door stopped when it was halfway closed.

"Shush. I can't concentrate when you're yelling," Gotham giggled.

But You Can Call Me Gotham (#JustWriteIt #FreshStart) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now